
  • Leonora Dias de Menezes Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA
  • Camila Daylla Marques Afonso State University of Amazonas - UEA
  • Toniere Gonçalves da Fonseca State University of Amazonas - UEA
  • Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira Barbosa State University of Amazonas - UEA




Kahoot. Gamification. Internship.


This article presents a report of experience experienced by two trainees of the Bachelor of Computer Science course at the University of the State of Amazonas, during their internship at the Federal Institute of Science and Education of the Amazonas (IFAM). The supervised internship plays a crucial role in the training of undergraduate students, especially in the field of Bachelor in Computer Science, as it provides the development of skills and the application of knowledge related to new technologies and alternatives within a conventional school environment. Based on the guidelines of the supervised internship, the trainees experienced, analyzed and applied a tool that proved useful in the school context in which the school was inserted. Taking into account the profile of the students studied, the aim was to make the supervised internship a unique and enriching experience for both the trainees and the teachers, students and staff with whom they interacted along the way. A study was conducted on Active Methodologies and their benefits for the classroom, with the active methodology used in this experiment being Gamification, which is increasingly present in the school and academic environment. Society is undergoing changes and classrooms are being worn out, bureaucratic and unattractive. Active Methodologies, including Gamification, arise as a way to transform this scenario. In the report, the academics explored a tool called Kahoot, which aims to involve teachers and students in a differentiated classroom, full of practical and transformative resources. By adopting Gamification as a pedagogical strategy, the trainees were able to observe the benefits of this approach, such as student engagement, the promotion of interaction and the stimulation of learning through challenges and rewards. The use of Kahoot provided a dynamic and innovative experience, allowing students to actively participate in the educational process. In the context of internship, the adoption of Gamification through Kahoot proved to be an effective alternative to making classes more attractive, stimulating and aligned with the needs and interests of students. The use of technological tools like this can transform the dynamics of the classroom, promoting a more meaningful learning and arousing the interest of students in the content addressed. In this way, the supervised stage provided the trainees with a practical experience of the Active Methodologies, with emphasis on Gamification through Kahoot. The experience has reinforced the importance of exploring innovative and tailored approaches to the realities of students, aiming at creating a more dynamic, participatory and effective educational environment.

Author Biographies

Leonora Dias de Menezes, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA

Acadêmica do Curso de Licenciatura em Computação na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas(UEA), no núcleo de Ensino Superior de Coari-Am- NESCOA/UEA.

Toniere Gonçalves da Fonseca, State University of Amazonas - UEA

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. 

Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira Barbosa, State University of Amazonas - UEA

Mestre em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação pela MUST University Flórida, Usa. Atualmente é professor na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas(UEA). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas.



How to Cite

Menezes, L. D. de, Marques Afonso, M. A., Fonseca, T. G. da, & Barbosa, L. S. de O. (2023). EXPLORING KAHOOT’S POTENTIAL AS A GAMEFICATED TOOL TO ENGAGE FIRST YEAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: AN EXPERIENCE IN SUPERVISED INTERNSHIP II. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(6), 3077–3091. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i6.10449