
  • Leonel Godinho da Silva Junior Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e tecnologia Sul-Rio-grandense
  • Rafael Silva Kopereck Anhanguera Educacional
  • Diego Calafiori Pontes Caldas Universidade Católica de Pelotas
  • Luis Claudio Galiano da Silva Uninter
  • Giuliano Aldavez Nogueira Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • André Boaz Mott Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina- UNISUL


Public Administration. Agreements. Consensus.


Overcome with great satisfaction, we present the book "Consensuality in Public Administration and Substitutive Agreements in the Sanctioning Administrative Process".
This work is a significant contribution to the area of Administrative Law, addressing a current and relevant topic: consensuality in public administration and substitutive agreements in the sanctioning administrative process.
The book provides an in-depth and critical analysis of the use of consensus in public administration, presenting its advantages, disadvantages and challenges faced in its implementation. In addition, the authors discuss the application of substitutive agreements in the sanctioning administrative process, presenting an overview of their use in Brazil and in other countries.
The authors have a deep theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject, which allows the work to be an important reference for all those who wish to deepen the theme of consensuality in public administration and sanctioning administrative processes.
More than that, "Consensuality in Public Administration and Substitutive Agreements in the Sanctioning Administrative Process" brings an important reflection on the guarantee of the fundamental rights of those involved in sanctioning administrative processes and the effectiveness of public administration.
For all these reasons, I strongly recommend the reading of this work to students, professionals and researchers working in the area of Administrative Law and others interested in the subject. I am sure that reading "Consensuality in Public Administration and Substitutive Agreements in the Sanctioning Administrative Process" will be an enriching and rewarding experience.

The authors,

Author Biographies

Leonel Godinho da Silva Junior, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e tecnologia Sul-Rio-grandense

Formação: Tecnologia em Sistemas para Internet. Instituição: Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e tecnologia Sul-Rio-grandense.

Rafael Silva Kopereck, Anhanguera Educacional

Formação Acadêmica: Direito- Anhanguera Educacional.


Diego Calafiori Pontes Caldas, Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Formação Acadêmica: Direito. Instituição: Universidade Católica de Pelotas.

Luis Claudio Galiano da Silva, Uninter

Formação: gestão pública. Instituição: Uninter.

Giuliano Aldavez Nogueira, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Formação: ADMINISTRAÇÃO. Instituição: Universidade Federal de Pelotas.

André Boaz Mott, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina- UNISUL

Formação: tecnologia em segurança pública. Instituição: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina- UNISUL.



How to Cite

Silva Junior, L. G. da ., Kopereck, R. S. ., Caldas, D. C. P. ., Silva, L. C. G. da ., Nogueira, G. A. ., & Mott, A. B. . (2023). CONSENSUALITY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SUBSTITUTE AGREEMENTS IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS OF SANCTION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 11–82. Retrieved from


