
  • Leonardo Mattos IBRA
  • Fábio Lopes Schwertz Faveni
  • Rodinei Marcelo da Rosa Faculdade Metropolitana
  • Carla Pilling dos Santos Centro Universitário Metodista- IPA
  • Lucas Peixoto da Silveira Faculdade Anhanguera do Rio Grande
  • Luciano Luis Scheibler FAVENI


Femicide. Law. Crime. Woman.


With great satisfaction, we present to all readers the book entitled "Segurança Pública e Violência Contra a Mulher". The work in question foments an important and urgent debate in our society: violence against women.
The collection brings an in-depth analysis of gender violence in Brazil, with alarming data that demonstrate the seriousness of this problem in our country. Likewise, the book brings reflections on public policies aimed at preventing and combating violence against women, presenting ideas and proposals for building a more just and egalitarian future.
Faced with such a theme, there is a gap to deal with alarming data on violence against women. According to the Brazilian Public Security Forum, in 2020, 105,821 cases of domestic violence were registered in Brazil, representing an increase of 3.8% compared to the previous year.
Every 7.2 seconds, a woman is a victim of physical violence in Brazil, according to the Maria da Penha Institute.
The 2015 Map of Violence, prepared by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), revealed that the number of female homicides in Brazil increased by 54% between 2003 and 2013. In 2013, the female homicide rate was 4. 8 per 100 thousand inhabitants.
The same study also shows that the majority of homicide victims are young black women, aged between 15 and 29 years.
Sexual violence is also a serious problem in Brazil. In 2019, the country recorded 66,123 cases of rape, according to the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security.
According to the National Survey of Violence against Women, carried out in 2019 by DataSenado, 42% of Brazilian women have already suffered some type of violence in the country, whether physical, sexual, psychological or property.
The Maria da Penha Law, which came into force in 2006, is a milestone in the fight against domestic violence in Brazil. However, many women still face difficulties in accessing justice and obtaining protection.
In many cases, violence against women occurs in the home and is perpetrated by a partner or ex-partner. Therefore, it is important for women to know that there are reporting channels available, such as the number 180, which offers free and anonymous assistance to women in situations of violence.
The work is a valuable source of information for public safety professionals, social workers, educators and for all people who are concerned with protecting women's rights and building a more just and egalitarian society.
The book not only exposes the challenges faced by women in Brazil, but also inspires us to act to change this reality. Reading this collection is an invitation to engage in the fight against gender violence and to build a safer world for all women.
Therefore, I invite you all to read the collection "Public Security and Violence Against Women" and to join in this important struggle for women's rights. Together, we can make a difference and contribute to building a fairer and more equal future for all.

Happy reading everyone!
The authors,

Author Biographies

Leonardo Mattos, IBRA

Bacharel em Administração de empresas com ênfase em Marketing pela  Estácio e bacharel em Ciências sociais pela IBRA. Pós-graduado em Teoria do crime pela IBRA.

Fábio Lopes Schwertz, Faveni

Licenciatura em História pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil e Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela Universidade Fabras. Pós-graduação em Gestão Prisional pela Faveni.

Rodinei Marcelo da Rosa, Faculdade Metropolitana

Graduação: Administração,  universidade Regional do Noroeste do RS - Unijui, conclusão em 2004. Pós-graduação: Segurança Pública, pela Faculdade Metropolitana, conclusão 01/2023

Carla Pilling dos Santos, Centro Universitário Metodista- IPA

Graduação: Educação física licenciatura Centro universitário metodista IPA

Lucas Peixoto da Silveira, Faculdade Anhanguera do Rio Grande

Graduação: Engenharia de produção pela Faculdade Anhanguera do Rio Grande.

Luciano Luis Scheibler, FAVENI

Licenciatura em Letras (Língua portuguesa) pela UNINTER (2015). Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela UNINTER (2021). Pós-Graduação em Segurança Pública pela FAVENI (2020). Pós-Graduação em Inteligência Policial pela FAVENI (2022).



How to Cite

Mattos, L. ., Schwertz, F. L. ., Rosa, R. M. da ., Santos, C. P. dos ., Silveira, L. P. da ., & Scheibler, L. L. . (2023). COLLECTION, PUBLIC SAFETY AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 13–132. Retrieved from



