
  • Cleidson Teixeira Vinhas
  • Marcos Adriano Bohlke Ferreira
  • Cristiano Dilli
  • Felipe Tavares Ribeiro
  • Barbara Duro Dias
  • Newton Porfirio Moraes Soares


Prison population. Health. Prison management. Society.


With immense pride, I present the book with the theme: "The Influence of Social Inequalities in Prisons and Privatization".
This book addresses the issue of social inequality and its relationship with the privatization of prisons. The authors argue that social inequalities are one of the main factors that lead to the mass incarceration of people with lower purchasing power and, on the other hand, the emergence of private companies that manage prisons.
The book presents an in-depth analysis of the effects of privatization of prisons, showing how it aggravates social inequalities and how it has contributed to the criminalization and imprisonment of people from lower social classes. In addition, the authors point to the lack of control and responsibility of these companies, which has led to situations of violation of human rights and corruption in the Brazilian penitential world.
Throughout the book, paths are presented for solutions to face this imbroglio, such as the need for stricter regulation and inspection of private companies that manage prisons, as well as the importance of investing in social and educational policies to combat social inequalities and ultimately, the incarceration of the underprivileged and vulnerable population.
In short, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the complex relationship between social inequalities, prison privatization and its negative consequences on society.
I wish you all good reading,
The authors.

Author Biographies

Cleidson Teixeira Vinhas

Bacharel em administração e licenciatura em Matemática.

Marcos Adriano Bohlke Ferreira

Bacharel em administração de empresas. Licenciatura em ciências sociais. Pós-graduação em segurança pública.

Cristiano Dilli

Graduação Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública. Graduação Tecnólogo em Segurança Pública. Pós-graduação em Criminologia. Pós-graduação em Gestão de Sistemas Prisionais.

Felipe Tavares Ribeiro

Bacharel Direito. Pós-graduação em gestão recursos humanos. Pós-graduação em inteligência Policial e Penitenciária.

Barbara Duro Dias

Bacharel em Nutrição.

Newton Porfirio Moraes Soares

Licenciado em Educação Física. Pós em Educação Especial e Inclusiva. Pós em Educação Ambiental. Pós em Educação em Unidades Prisionais. Pós em Gestão de sistemas Prisionais.



How to Cite

Vinhas, C. T. ., Ferreira, M. A. B. ., Dilli, C. ., Ribeiro, F. T. ., Dias, B. D. ., & Soares, N. P. M. . (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL INEQUALITIES IN PRISONS AND PRIVATIZATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–89. Retrieved from



