
  • Adnei da Silva Seixas Santos
  • Danielle Barbosa Martins Rodrigues Mesquita
  • Cristiano Proença Santos
  • Cheila Soares Professor
  • Maria Marcilene Leite da Silva Costa
  • Ruan Felipe da Silva Cesário




In the institutions dedicated to the care and education of children under 5 years of age, there is a growing concern in organizing the pedagogical work, therefore, also taking care of the school routine as a form of daily organization. Kindergarten activities. Daí a problematic questão: How do the institutions of early childhood education address the routines of organization of pedagogical work?

Nesse sense, or general objective was to study the routines of organization of the pedagogical work of the institutions of child education. Assim, perceiving the importance of pedagogical work in early childhood education; analyze the role of routine in the organization of pedagogical work; Submit proposals for the organization of the daily functioning of the institutions of child education.

Methodologically, it is a bibliographic study, which begins with the reading and analysis of texts and, in addition to theoretical discussion, with suggestions of various rotineira activities.

To the task of the educator of all, you are responsible for this process and develop the capacities of each being and offer moments for the personal and social development of children. In other words, the routine must be planned in such a way that it meets the needs of all the actors and makes a time management that moves with the children.

The results of this book show that some adults face the dilemma of not respecting the individuality and idiosyncrasies of parenting and rigorously following the routine that is often prescribed.

The universe of a child is made up of playfulness, spontaneity, creativity, imagination, fantasy, games, music, body, gestures, among other things, because it is not suitable for a fragmented organization. Requires new forms of intervention of small children that have their own perception of education. For such a change to occur, it is necessary to emphasize the working conditions and the organization of time and space for children and adults in a school environment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           You authors,



How to Cite

Santos, A. da S. S. ., Mesquita, D. B. M. R., Santos, C. P. ., Professor, C. S. ., Costa, M. M. L. da S. ., & Cesário, R. F. da S. . (2021). A ROUTINE IN EARLY EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 19–114. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/6950



