
  • Danielly Larissa Andrade de Souza Cavalcanti FAMART


Teaching Geography. Location. Cartographic Literacy. ICTs in Cartography.


Cartographic Literacy is the methodological process for learning cartographic language and literacy. It allows the student to reflect on the understanding of spatial basics, such as location, orientation, reference point, decoding symbols and signs, interpretation, comparison, representation and among other operations that are decisive for an efficient cartographic and world reading. . In the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, these cartographic learnings could not be lost, and the use of New Communication and Information Technologies (ICTs) in the teaching-learning process was essential, at least so that classes could take place in a subspace virtual and digital tools and sites that are in favor of Geography were used. As specific objectives, this research was supported by: a) Understanding the importance of Cartographic Literacy for the development of spatial reasoning in the 6th year of Elementary School II (Final Years); b) Systematize a workshop with the support of ICTs, taking as a reference the municipality of Limoeiro-PE and geographic information at the heart of the Covid-19 Pandemic; c) Identify the subjectivity of the teaching subjects who are the targets of research regarding School Cartography and the use of ICTs. The same research was based on a qualitative approach, of an applied nature and of an explanatory exploratory nature at the Municipal School Otaviano Basílio Heráclio do Rêgo, in the 6th year class of the Final Series, in the municipality of Limoeiro-PE. Throughout these investigative efforts and cartographic practice, considering the municipality where the students live and the work of spatial notions (orientation, location, scale and the basic elements of the map), it was obtained as results that most students find Cartography important for the study of Geography, who feel motivated by the use of ICTs in classes and that the learning provided in this practical activity was well accepted and understood by students in general.

Author Biography

Danielly Larissa Andrade de Souza Cavalcanti, FAMART

Pós- graduanda em Ensino de Geografia, história e sustentabilidade pela FAMART. Graduada em Licenciatura em Geografia pela Universidade de Pernambuco-UPE



How to Cite

Cavalcanti, D. L. A. de S. . (2022). CARTOGRAPHIC LITERACY: METHODOLOGY AND PRACTICE IN THE FINAL GRADES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–93. Retrieved from



