
  • Stefane Bertini Cancella Universidade Brasil
  •  Karina Gonzalez Camara Fernandes São Leopoldo Mandic




Retreatment. Endodontics. Dental Disorders.


The objective of this work is to report a clinical case of endodontic retreatment, in order to guide dental professionals in the clinical conduct, proposing a suggestion of retreatment in relation to possible failures. To compose this case report research, the methods used were the selection of scientific articles indexed in PubMed and SciELO databases. Patient M C R M, female, 48 years old, came to the clinic for dental care with a chief complaint of pain in the tooth during chewing. For better clarification, a periapical radiograph was performed and intraradicular threadable metal pins, radiolucent lesion in the periapex of the mesial canals and endodontic treatment can be observed. In view of the clinical findings, the diagnostic hypothesis was chronic dento-alveolar abscess, so after clinical evaluations and radiographic imaging, the treatment plan of first choice was the removal of the crown, intraradicular post and endodontic retreatment. According to the literature and the case report presented, it can be concluded that several factors can contribute to the failure of endodontic treatment, but in cases that allow the correct intervention of the recommended maneuvers, successful retreatment can be achieved.

Author Biographies

Stefane Bertini Cancella, Universidade Brasil

Graduanda em Odontologia, Universidade Brasil.  E-mail: stefanebertinic@gmail.com.

 Karina Gonzalez Camara Fernandes, São Leopoldo Mandic

Mestranda em Endodontia, São Leopoldo Mandic.



How to Cite

Cancella, S. B. ., & Fernandes, KarinaG.C. (2022). ENDODONTIC RETREATMENT: CASE REPORT . Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(4), 1661–1669. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v8i4.5165