
  • Edileuza Souza Pereira Ramos UNIFACS
  • Marcus Vinicius Cardoso Matos Silva UNIFACS



Objective: to report the experience of an internship experience in the Blood Bank reality. Method: experience report of an Experience-Internship by a graduate in biomedicine, in the reality of the private initiative, offered by the private sector. The internship took place in the first half of 2023, in the city of Feira de Santana/BA, with the participation of the internship supervisor, employees, students of a technical course in the health area, activities always carried out in accordance with the responsible sector. Undoubtedly a large system that ranges from simple care to the transfusion of a blood component, thus guaranteeing free access to the community that needs such resources, and there is a failure that is not enough to guarantee a large mass in the event of a great outbreak I came to comb such resource of the same system. Taking into account that the main objectives of the Blood Bank are: to provide opportunities for participants to experience achievements and challenges inherent to blood components and blood products, deepen the discussion on teamwork, management, health care, education and social control and promote discussions on the importance of a health laboratory that treats life, its relevance as a research object is clear.

Author Biographies

Edileuza Souza Pereira Ramos, UNIFACS

Graduanda do curso de Biomedicina, Universidade Salvador – UNIFACS

Marcus Vinicius Cardoso Matos Silva, UNIFACS

Docente dos cursos de Biomedicina, Enfermagem, Farmácia, Fisioterapia e Nutrição: UNIFACS, FAN, UNEF, Diretor Científico da Associação Baiana de Biomedicina, (Biomedicina - UECS, Mestrado em Genética – UFPE).



How to Cite

Ramos, E. S. P., & Silva, M. V. C. M. (2023). THE EXPERIENCE ABOUT A LIFE – INTERNSHIP . Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(6), 1881–1891.