
  • Marcos Adriano Bohlke Ferreira
  • Cristiano Dilli
  • Barbara Duro Dias
  • Newton Porfirio Moraes Soares
  • Luciana Leão da Fonseca Lourenço
  • Filipe Capeletti


Crime. Prison. Security. Woman. Enhancement.


It is with great pleasure that we present this digital book, a work that delves into the intricate issues surrounding the Women's Penitentiary System and the overwhelming impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a global context of challenges and transformations, it is essential to focus on the often neglected realities of incarcerated women, whose experiences are shaped by a complex intersection of gender, criminal justice and public health.
The first chapter of this book, "Origin of Incarceration", serves as a foundation for understanding the historical evolution that culminated in the formation of penitentiary systems. It examines how incarceration practices have evolved over time, identifying the roots of the current panorama of the Women's Penitentiary System. This critical analysis will guide us in understanding the structures that often perpetuate gender and social inequalities.
The second chapter, titled "COVID-19 Panorama in Women's Penitentiary Systems", focuses on the global health crisis and its unique impact on incarcerated women. The pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing vulnerabilities, highlighting the urgent need for specific policies to mitigate risks to these women's health and human rights. We analyze data, case studies and experiences to provide a comprehensive view of this critical reality.
The third chapter, "The State's Responsibility in the Face of the Pandemic Scenario in the Women's Prison System", takes a legal and ethical perspective. We explore the State's responsibilities in protecting the fundamental rights of incarcerated women, examining policies, practices and challenges faced by prison systems in times of crisis. This chapter proposes reflections on how we can rethink strategies to ensure a more just and compassionate response to the needs of prisoners.
In a context where social justice and public health are undeniably interconnected, this digital book seeks to raise awareness and stimulate debate around the Women's Penitentiary System. By understanding the origins of incarceration, the challenges posed by the pandemic, and the responsibility of the State, we aspire to catalyze significant changes toward more just and humane systems.
We thank all readers and encourage the dissemination of these reflections, thus contributing to a more fair and egalitarian society.

Author Biographies

Marcos Adriano Bohlke Ferreira

Bacharel em administração de empresas. Licenciatura em ciências sociais. Pós-graduação em segurança pública.


Cristiano Dilli

Graduação Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública. Graduação Tecnólogo em Segurança Pública.
Pós-graduação em Criminologia. Pós-graduação em Gestão de Sistemas Prisionais.

Barbara Duro Dias

Bacharel em Nutrição. Pós em Gestão Pública.

Newton Porfirio Moraes Soares

Licenciado em Educação Física. Bacharel em Administração Pública. Pós em Educação Especial e Inclusiva. Pós em Educação Ambiental. Pós em Educação em Unidades Prisionais. Pós em Gestão de sistemas Prisionais.

Luciana Leão da Fonseca Lourenço

Licenciatura em Letras/ Português e respectivas Licenciaturas. Pós-graduação: Análise Criminal/ Políticas Públicas/ Gestão do Sistema Prisional / Gestão Pública/ Segurança Pública.

Filipe Capeletti

Licenciatura em Letras/ Português e respectivas Licenciaturas. Pós-graduação: Análise Criminal/ Políticas Públicas/ Gestão do Sistema Prisional / Gestão Pública/ Segurança Pública.



How to Cite

Ferreira, M. A. B., Dilli, C., Dias, B. D., Soares, N. P. M., Lourenço , L. L. da F., & Capeletti, F. (2023). FEMALE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM AND THE EFFECTS OF THE PANDEMIC. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 27–104. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/11672



