
  • Michelli Carla de Souza




s: reading and Writing; Difficulty Learning.


We know that practice of teaching and methodological alternatives for a qualityeducation, as well as alternative resources for the acquisition of reading and writng, ando f couse not forgetting to mention the role of the school and family in the learning processo f reading and writing, each has its social value for proper development of student learning, this chapter also describes the concepts and practices of reading and writing, the role of schools and teachers that are important, reading and writing provides autnomy. Awareness in students, and so in order to unravel behind the words, reading and writing reflects our questions, our interference, our concerns, our own transformation to happen to change the context and we in generally speaking, teaching and learning of reading have not occurred difficulty, hindrance and failure these situations awaken in students a sense of incapacity for such learning, but we also know that there many studies that show these situations and show the various paths and possible theoretical and methodological practiscesto diagnose and facilitate they get a good educational development of students’ reading. By distinguishing the teaching of reading and focused only on mechanization of the broader process, meaningful and contestualized is key to helping students and teachers in this school. Addressing the reading as a social funcition, which is composed of varios educational resources that go bevond the textbook is essential to stimulate and arouse students’ interest and pleasure the textbook to stimulate arouse students’ interest and pleasure in reading. This paper proposes to work with the difficulties of reading and writing in the initial series of elementary school, we realize that the difficulty of students comes from several factors and organiza activities to help work on the difficulties of reading and the methodology bibliographical research. With views of various scholars in fiel, tirelessly seeking an ideal formula to help us change the way you woek with diffirent sources of reading and writing and so also readers and writers to build a life outside of schools,however, this work only bring basic ideas, it is hoped that these ideas brought serve as an incentive to search for sources to work with reading and writing of various text generes.


Author Biography

Michelli Carla de Souza

Pedagoga com pós graduação em psicopedagogia institucional. professora atuante em escola públicas. E-mail: mmichellicarla13@hotmail.com.



How to Cite

Souza, M. C. de . (2021). DIFFICULTIES OF STUDENTS IN READING AND WRITING IN THE FIRST SERIES OF FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(4), 527–559. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i4.985