
  • Júber Farias Fonseca  Faculdade São Braz
  • Vanuza Domingues Lafuente Faculdade São Braz
  • Vitor dos Santos Fialho  URCAMP 
  • Ruan Francisco Rommel  Unopar 
  • Vanessa da Silva Custódio Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Katia dos Santos kremer   UCPel


Social Service. Education Policies. Basic education. Educational Policies.


The presentation of the work entitled "SOCIAL SERVICE IN EDUCATION POLICIES" requires a brief foray into the interrelationship between two areas of knowledge: Social Service and education, in their global context. Social Work is an area of professional activity with significant relevance in educational policies in different countries around the world, playing a key role in promoting inclusive and quality education, ensuring access and permanence in school for all students.
In Argentina, Social Work is also a profession that works in the area of education, promoting the social and educational inclusion of children, young people and adults. Social workers work in integral education programs, community development, leadership training and articulation between the school, the family and the community.
In Portugal, Social Service has an important role in education policies, working with schools and other institutions to guarantee access and permanence of students in school. Social workers work to prevent and fight school dropouts, promote social and educational inclusion and support families in situations of social vulnerability.
In other countries, such as the United States and England, Social Work is also very active in the area of education, promoting the social and educational inclusion of students of all ages and ensuring students' access to and permanence in school.
In Brazil, for example, Social Work has a long tradition of acting in the area of education, being recognized as one of the professions that make up the multidisciplinary team of public schools. The work of the social worker in education is aimed at guaranteeing the rights of students, preventing and combating school dropouts, promoting participation and engagement of the school community and supporting families in situations of social vulnerability.
In theory, Social Work is fundamental for education policies around the world, contributing to the promotion of inclusive and quality education, guaranteeing students' rights and preventing and combating school dropouts.
In possession of these constructs, we specify, the book "Social Service in Education Policies" is a work of great relevance for the area of Social Service and Education. Written by a group of renowned authors, the work presents a critical and reflective analysis of the role of Social Work in educational policies, approaching from the history of the profession in education to the current perspectives and challenges faced by the profession in this field.
Preliminarily, the authors present the historical trajectory of Social Work in the educational field, from its origins to the present day, analyzing the main legal and political milestones that influenced this trajectory. In the second chapter, the work addresses the relationship between Social Work and education today, highlighting the importance of articulation between these two areas to guarantee the right to education.
In sequence, the authors discuss education as a public policy, educational public policies, the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education and National Education Policy, and the role of the social worker in educational policies. The work presents a critical analysis of the performance of social workers in education, highlighting the need for a professional intervention that considers the particularities of the subjects involved.
Otherwise, the authors discuss the importance of professional training in Social Work for work in educational policies, addressing the challenges and possibilities of training in this field.
The book also addresses the issue of school inclusion, analyzing inclusion policies and Social Work intervention strategies in this field. In the sixth chapter, the authors discuss the care policies for children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability in education, highlighting the importance of Social Work in guaranteeing the right to education for these subjects.
In addition, the work deals with democratic management in education, analyzing the possibilities and challenges for Social Work in this field. Finally, in the eighth chapter, the authors present a critical analysis of current educational policies, highlighting the importance of Social Work in defending the right to education as a fundamental human right.
In short, "Social Work in Education Policies" is a fundamental work for students, professionals and researchers who work or are interested in the interface between Social Work and education. With clear and accessible language, the work presents theoretical and practical reflections that contribute to the understanding of the possibilities and challenges of the work of social workers in educational policies.
We hope that this work contributes to broaden the discussions about the tematic in vogue.

The authors,

Author Biographies

Júber Farias Fonseca , Faculdade São Braz

Especialista em Segurança Pública, pela Faculdade São Braz. 

Vanuza Domingues Lafuente, Faculdade São Braz

Especialista em Segurança Pública pela Faculdade São Braz.

Vitor dos Santos Fialho , URCAMP 

Farmacêutico bioquímico- URCAMP 

Ruan Francisco Rommel , Unopar 

Gestão Ambiental- Unopar 

Vanessa da Silva Custódio, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Bacharel em Direito- Universidade Federal de Pelotas.

Katia dos Santos kremer  , UCPel

Serviço Social- UCPel



How to Cite

Fonseca , J. F. ., Lafuente, V. D. ., Fialho , V. dos S. ., Rommel , R. F. ., Custódio, V. da S. ., & kremer  , K. dos S. . (2023). SOCIAL SERVICE IN EDUCATION POLICIES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 14–62. Retrieved from



