
  • Patrícia dos Santos Lopes Soares Universidade católica de Pelotas
  • Alvacir Oliveira da Silva Faculdade — Anhanguera 
  • Lia Zilei de Farias Pires Faculdade Universidade Católica de Pelotas
  • Antonio de Medeiros Zehetmeyer Faculdade Anhanguera Pelotas
  • Antonio Mendes Valente Faculdade Anhanguera
  • Samuel Ferreira Machado Faculdade anhanguera Pelotas


Right to health. Public health. Health Unic System. Precariousness.


The book I would like to present deals with an extremely relevant and urgent topic in the current context of Brazil: the precariousness of public health. The health system in the country is admittedly complex and has challenges ranging from the lack of adequate investments to the lack of access to medicines and treatments.
Throughout the pages of this book, the author presents a deep and detailed analysis of the current situation of public health in Brazil, considering historical, political, economic and social aspects that contributed to the current situation. The reader is led to reflect on the consequences of the precariousness of public health not only on the lives of patients and their families, but also on the economy and development of the country as a whole. The book provides an elaborate overview of the Unified Health System (SUS).
It is worth emphasizing the relevance of SUS in the world orb.
In short, the Unified Health System - SUS is one of Brazil's greatest social achievements and is considered a world reference in public health. Created in 1988, based on the Federal Constitution, the SUS aims to guarantee universal, integral and free access to health for all Brazilians, foreigners, and expatriates throughout the country.
The SUS is financed with public resources and managed by the three levels of government: federal, state and municipal. It ranges from disease promotion and prevention actions to highly complex care, including the supply of medication and treatments. In addition, SUS is responsible for coordinating health surveillance actions, epidemic control, among other activities. In the recent period of the pandemic, Brazilians were able to witness the breadth and work of the SUS, embodied in its professionals, spread across the country.
One of the main pillars of the SUS is the participation of the population in the management of public health, through the Health Councils. These bodies are responsible for monitoring public health policies, overseeing the use of resources and ensuring popular participation in health-related decisions.
The Brazilian experience with the SUS has been a world reference in public health, being recognized as a model of health care that promotes equity and universal access to health. The SUS inspired the creation of similar health systems in other countries, such as the National Health System in the United Kingdom and the National Health System in Spain.
However, despite the advances made by the SUS, there are still challenges to be faced, such as the need to expand the supply of health services, improve the quality of care and ensure a more efficient and transparent management of public resources. Even so, the SUS continues to be a world reference in public health, and the fight for its maintenance and improvement must be a flag of the entire Brazilian society.
The book highlights the importance of more effective public policies and adequate investments to guarantee access to health as a fundamental right.
With clear and accessible language, this book is essential for anyone who wants to better understand the reality of public health in Brazil and seek solutions to this complex and urgent challenge.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The authors,

Author Biographies

Patrícia dos Santos Lopes Soares, Universidade católica de Pelotas

Graduação em Serviço social Faculdade - Universidade Católica de Pelotas.


Alvacir Oliveira da Silva, Faculdade — Anhanguera 

Tecnólogo em segurança pública. Faculdade — Anhanguera 



Lia Zilei de Farias Pires, Faculdade Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Tecnóloga em Segurança Pública e Privada — Faculdade Universidade Católica de Pelotas.


Antonio de Medeiros Zehetmeyer, Faculdade Anhanguera Pelotas

Tecnólogo em Gestão Publica — Faculdade Anhanguera Pelotas.



Antonio Mendes Valente, Faculdade Anhanguera

 Tecnólogo em Segurança Pública — Faculdade Anhanguera.



Samuel Ferreira Machado, Faculdade anhanguera Pelotas

Graduado em Administração — Faculdade anhanguera Pelotas.





How to Cite

Soares, P. dos S. L. ., Silva, A. O. da ., Pires, L. Z. de F. ., Zehetmeyer, A. de M. ., Valente, A. M. ., & Machado, S. F. . (2023). THE PRECARIOUSNESS OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN BRAZIL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 17–61. Retrieved from



