
  • Tédea de Abreu Teixeira Faculdade ICESP
  • Rafael Silva Gomes Faculdade ICESP




Currently, it is estimated that the Cerrados region is home to 45 to 50 million hectares with cultivated pastures, of which approximately 50% are with some degree of degradation. The objective of this work was to trace a diagnosis of the productive status and level of degradation of pasture areas of properties that still exploit the livestock activity in DF. A structured questionnaire was applied with themes related to the use, methods of soil conservation and the degree of knowledge of producers regarding basic concepts related to pasture degradation. Through a visual assessment, quantitative observation was made based on the methodology for analyzing the level of degradation of the pasture proposed by Nascimento Júnior et. al. (1994). This methodology consists of observing the area and visually evaluating five parameters (vigor and quality of pastures, weed incidence, forage plant population, soil cover by pasture and level of erosion), establishing scores from one to four for each parameter rated: 1 - good, 2 - regular, 3 - poor, 4 - very bad. Adding the score for each parameter, a value was obtained that corresponds to the level of degradation: Absent (= 5 - <8); Light (= 8 - <11); Moderate (= 11 - <14); Strong (= 14 - <17); Very Strong (= 17 - ≤20). Pastures in the Federal District are in different stages of degradation with a predominance of the lowest level of degradation. Some soil correction processes and the low animal stock / hectare were determinant to the low level of degradation found in the properties of the Federal District.

Author Biographies

Tédea de Abreu Teixeira, Faculdade ICESP

Aluna de Iniciação Científica e do Curso de Medicina Veterinária da Faculdade ICESP.

Rafael Silva Gomes, Faculdade ICESP

Professor Mestre do Curso de Ciência Animal e Orientador de Iniciação Científica da Faculdade ICESP Pesquisa Financiada pelo Centro Universitário ICESP, por meio do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa - NIP. Edital número 02/2019. Contato: tedeatex@souicesp.com.br; professor.rafael.icesp@gmail.com.




How to Cite

Teixeira, T. de A. ., & Gomes, R. S. . (2022). DIAGNOSIS OF THE PASTURE DEGRADATION LEVEL IN FEDERAL DISTRICT PROPERTIES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(3), 688–700. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v8i3.4627