
  • Vitor Marcelo Silva dos Reis Filho Centro de Ensino Superior de Ilhéus
  • Denis Albuquerque Silva Dias Centro de Ensino Superior de Ilhéus



Hemorrhagic shock. nursing. Urgency and emergency.


Hemorrhagic shock is an acute clinical condition represented by the inability of the cardiovascular system to maintain sufficient perfusion to meet homeostasis, triggering profound changes in cellular metabolism that, if not corrected in time, lead to dysfunction of multiple organs and, finally death. Therefore, hypovolemic shock is a serious condition and should receive special attention from health professionals, especially nurses, who must provide a quick clinical look, detecting the classic signs of this type of shock early, and understanding the importance of action of the nurse. The study was carried out through an integrative literature review according to scientific articles published in the VHL and PUBMED databases. The objective of this research was: to describe, analyze, address and discuss the importance of nursing care provided to patients diagnosed with hypovolemic shock, and also, to know the signs and symptoms that precede the shock and the necessary nursing interventions. To carry out the research, qualitative research was used, using the literature review as the research instrument. The main results showed that nurses must have specific knowledge and training to care for patients with hemorrhagic shock, contributing to the preservation of life. It is concluded that nurses have an essential and significant role in the recovery of patients with hemorrhagic shock, contributing to the patient's well-being.

Author Biographies

Vitor Marcelo Silva dos Reis Filho, Centro de Ensino Superior de Ilhéus

Discente. Centro de Ensino Superior de Ilhéus- CESUPI.

Denis Albuquerque Silva Dias, Centro de Ensino Superior de Ilhéus

Doscente. Centro de Ensino Superior de Ilhéus- CESUPI.




How to Cite

Reis Filho, V. M. S. dos, & Dias, D. A. S. (2024). NURSING MANAGEMENT OF HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK IN PRE-HOSPITAL CARE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(12), 1686–1695.