
  • Ana Beatriz da Silva Lobato ULBRA
  • Ana Clara Diniz Amaral ULBRA
  • Laís Vieira Santos ULBRA
  • Lucas Silveira de Assis ULBRA
  • Luma Cardins de Oliveira ULBRA
  • Maísa da Silva Rocha ULBRA
  • Lorena Guimarães Ferreira Honorato UNASP



Alienation Syndrome. Parental Alienation. Law No. 12.318/2010. Psychological Effects. Legal Mediation.


Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a psychological and legal phenomenon characterized by behaviors of one parent that seek to distance the other parent from the child's life, harming the parental relationship. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Law No. 12,318/2010, which regulates parental alienation in Brazil, and to identify the main challenges faced by legal professionals in its application. The research was developed through a literature review, focusing on the psychological impacts of parental alienation on children and the legal mechanisms to combat this behavior. The study concludes that, although the current legislation represents a step forward, there are still practical limitations that compromise its effectiveness, suggesting the adoption of new strategies, such as mediation and psychological interventions in custody disputes.

Author Biographies

Ana Beatriz da Silva Lobato, ULBRA

Graduanda em Direito na Universidade Luterana Ceuls/ULBRA.

Ana Clara Diniz Amaral, ULBRA

Graduanda em Direito na Universidade Luterana Ceuls/ULBRA.

Laís Vieira Santos, ULBRA

Graduanda em Direito na Universidade Luterana Ceuls/ULBRA.

Lucas Silveira de Assis, ULBRA

Graduando em Direito na Universidade Luterana Ceuls/ULBRA.

Luma Cardins de Oliveira, ULBRA

Graduanda em Direito na Universidade Luterana Ceuls/ULBRA.

Maísa da Silva Rocha, ULBRA

Graduanda em Direito na Universidade Luterana Ceuls/ULBRA.

Lorena Guimarães Ferreira Honorato, UNASP

Mestra em promoção da Saúde pela Universidade Adventista de São Paulo-UNASP.



How to Cite

Lobato, A. B. da S., Amaral, A. C. D., Santos, L. V., Assis, L. S. de, Oliveira, L. C. de, Rocha, M. da S., & Honorato, L. G. F. (2024). PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME: REVIEW AND SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(11), 7705–7705.