
  • Fabiana Queiroz de Mattos Veni Creator Christian. University
  • Henrique Rodrigues Lelis Veni Creator Christian. University



Justice Officer’s Action. Digital Justice. Reorientation of the role of the Court Clerk.


The modernization and digitalization of the Brazilian Judiciary have been an increasingly recurring topic in discussions about efficiency and procedural speed. In this context, the Court Officer assumes a vital role since his duties are intrinsically related to the mediation between the court and the outside world. As the Judiciary experiences the transition to a 100% digital model, the challenges faced by Justice Officers increase, requiring constant adaptations and the adoption of new skills. Historically, The Court Officer performed the function of carrying out the summons, subpoena, and seizure of assets, playing an essential role in implementing judicial decisions. However, this traditional activity has undergone significant transformations with the implementation of electronic processes and the increasing use of technological tools. Justice Officers must master digital skills, such as handling electronic procedural systems, issuing subpoenas through virtual platforms, and collecting digital signatures. This transition to 100% Digital Judgment poses challenges not only to Court Officials but also to the Judiciary itself. The need to adapt technological infrastructures, continuous training of professionals, and ensuring the security of procedural data are just some of the obstacles that need to be overcome. Furthermore, the Judiciary must promote effective communication with society, clarifying the impacts and advantages of this digitalization to minimize possible resistance and encourage the active participation of those under its jurisdiction.


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Author Biographies

Fabiana Queiroz de Mattos, Veni Creator Christian. University

Mestranda em Ciências Jurídicas pela Veni Creator Christian. University.

Henrique Rodrigues Lelis, Veni Creator Christian. University

Doutor em Sistema de Informação e Gestão do Conhecimento pela Universidade FUMEC. Mestre em Proteção das Leis Fundamentais pelo Programa de Mestrado em Direito da Universidade de Itaúna. Professor e pesquisador.



How to Cite

Mattos, F. Q. de, & Lelis, H. R. (2024). THE COURT OFFICER AND THE 100% DIGITAL COURT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(11), 7475–7486.