
  • Neywa Souza Santos Faculdade Mauá
  • Francisco Cardoso Mendonça Faculdade Mauá
  • Hélio Marco Pereira Lopes Júnior Faculdade Mauá
  • Elissandra de Jesus Oliveira Ramos Faculdade Mauá




Puerperium. Self-care. Psychologist. Mental health.


The puerperium is a phase that occurs immediately after childbirth, also known as the post-partum period, and is part of the maternity process. During this time, women undergo significant transformations. It is a phase in which they experience biological, psychological, and other transitions related to motherhood. Psychological support for the mother aims to promote her mental health and self-care, helping her adapt to the new routine, and the support network is essential during this period. This study demonstrates the importance of psychological follow-up in the postpartum period. A qualitative bibliographic review was conducted. A search was performed in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Google Scholar for journals using the descriptors: self-care, psychologist, support network, psychological follow-up. The inclusion criteria were: the article had to be a scientific paper, written between 2019 and 2023, in Portuguese, available in full and for free, and relevant to the theme of the postpartum period. The exclusion criteria were: articles written in languages other than Portuguese or published before 2019. The results indicate that psychological support not only promotes the woman’s mental health but also contributes to the development of a more positive maternal experience. The support network is a key element in the adaptation process to the postpartum period; it not only helps reduce stress and promotes mental health but also strengthens the maternal experience.

Author Biographies

Neywa Souza Santos, Faculdade Mauá

Estudante de psicologia 10° semestre pela faculdade Mauá, GO

Francisco Cardoso Mendonça, Faculdade Mauá

Professor. Orientador da Faculdade Mauá, GO. Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Gama Filho.

Hélio Marco Pereira Lopes Júnior, Faculdade Mauá

Coorientador. Professor.  da Faculdade Mauá, GO. Enfermeiro, Mestre pela Universidade de Brasília.

Elissandra de Jesus Oliveira Ramos, Faculdade Mauá

Professora coordenadora de curso de psicologia. Professor de graduação e coordenadora de curso de psicologia faculdade Mauá, GO mestranda em Psicologia pela UCB. Especialista em Neuropsicológia clinica e reabilitação, em TCC psicologia jurídica e forense, Formação em Psicanálise pela SPB.



How to Cite

Santos, N. S., Mendonça, F. C., Lopes Júnior, H. M. P., & Ramos, E. de J. O. (2024). PUERPÉRIO: AMPARO PSICOLÓGICO PARA MÃES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(11), 4930–4942. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i11.16900