
  • Jocasta Regina Schmidt FAPI – Faculdade de Pinhais
  • Luciane Seibel Helscher European University of the Atlantic image/svg+xml
  • Bruno Zeitone Kopke do Carmo European University of the Atlantic image/svg+xml
  • Andrei Ricardo Draghetti European University of the Atlantic image/svg+xml
  • Daniete Elisa Eninger Markus Western Paraná State University image/svg+xml



This study aims to analyze the incorporation and effectiveness of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in science textbooks used in the fifth year of elementary school in Santa Helena, Paraná, during the 2023-2026 period. ICTs are seen not only as technological tools, but as transformative agents capable of promoting more dynamic, interactive and inclusive learning. The qualitative research will adopt an interpretative approach to understand how ICTs are being integrated and explored in teaching materials, focusing on three specific examples. The study is justified by the need to fill gaps in the effective use of ICTs in education, especially at specific levels such as the fifth year of elementary school. It is expected to identify and reflect on the presence and approach of ICTs in textbooks, proposing reflections on pedagogical practices that enable a more effective use of these technologies, considering the specific characteristics and needs of each school context. It is clear that these technologies, over time, have not only revolutionized the way information is shared and accessed, but have also had a profound influence on the way individuals and communities interact and learn. By shaping social and educational dynamics, ICTs have established themselves as transformative agents, redefining teaching and learning processes.

Author Biographies

Jocasta Regina Schmidt, FAPI – Faculdade de Pinhais

Graduada em Pedagogia pela FAPI – Faculdade de Pinhais. 

Luciane Seibel Helscher, European University of the Atlantic

Mestranda em Educação com especialização em Tics - Universidad Europeia dela Atlántico,  Espanha (UNEA).

Bruno Zeitone Kopke do Carmo, European University of the Atlantic

Mestrando em Educação com especialização em TICs - Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Espanha (UNEA). 

Andrei Ricardo Draghetti, European University of the Atlantic

Mestrando em Educação com especialização em TICs - Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Espanha (UNEA).

Daniete Elisa Eninger Markus, Western Paraná State University

Mestranda em Geografia pela Unioeste — Universidade Estadual do Oeste Do Paraná.



How to Cite

Schmidt, J. R., Helscher, L. S., Carmo, B. Z. K. do, Draghetti, A. R., & Markus, D. E. E. (2024). THE RELATIONSHIP OF ICT AND TEXTBOOKS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(7), 1946–1956.