
  • Eduardo Antônio de Souza Coelho Filho UNINORTE




Renewable energy. Hydrogen. Industry.


Hydrogen, often referred to as the “fuel of the future,” is gaining recognition as a versatile and sustainable energy source. Green hydrogen, produced through the electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydraulic energy, stands out as a key element in the transition to a more sustainable energy scenario. This clean energy source, known for its versatility, can be transformed into electricity or synthetic fuels, making it suitable for a variety of commercial and industrial applications. Unlike traditional hydrogen derived from fossil fuels, green hydrogen is environmentally friendly and plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions in the industrial sector. The integration of hydrogen as an energy source for industrial processes presents a promising opportunity to transition away from traditional hydrogen production methods that rely on fossil fuels, as it not only aligns with global sustainability goals, but also increases competitiveness and environmental responsibility of industries around the world. By replacing conventional hydrogen derived from natural gas with green hydrogen, industries can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. This shift towards sustainable hydrogen production underlines the fundamental role that renewable energy sources play in promoting industrial innovation and environmental management. The methodology used was a literature review, which compiled 12 articles that dealt with the proposed theme. It is found that 4 articles show that the energy consumed by industry is at least a quarter of global energy consumption and more than half of the total primary energy produced, including energy industry losses and own use. It is concluded that hydrogen has immense potential as a renewable energy source in industrial environments. Its clean properties and diverse production methods make it a versatile option for reducing the carbon footprint in industrial processes. The applications of hydrogen, such as its use as a clean fuel, in power generation and integration in manufacturing industries, demonstrate its adaptability and efficiency. Despite the numerous advantages, challenges such as storage, distribution and economic viability remain, requiring further advances and support from government policies. With continued research, innovation and collaboration, the widespread implementation of hydrogen in industrial environments can lead to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Author Biography

Eduardo Antônio de Souza Coelho Filho, UNINORTE

Pós-graduando em Auditoria contábil e controladoria. Pós-graduando em Administração de pessoas. Pós-graduado em Docência universitária. Pós-graduado em MBA em gestão Empresarial.  Graduado em Engenharia Elétrica.



How to Cite

Coelho Filho, E. A. de S. (2024). HYDROGEN, RENEWABLE ENERGY: ITS USE IN INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 3939–3950. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i6.14671