
  • Roberto Alexandre Agripino da Silva Universidade de Gurupi
  • Sergio Marcos de Brito Abreu Universidade UNIRG




Crime. Heinous. Greeting. Sentence fixation.


Heinous crime is a term used in the Brazilian legal system to refer to crimes considered extremely serious and which, therefore, receive more severe criminal treatment. Law nº. 8,072/1990 lists several crimes considered heinous. However, Law nº. 13,964/2019, known as the “Anti-Crime Package”, brought significant changes, including an increase in the minimum time served in a closed regime for crimes of this nature. However, despite these standards, there are debates about the effectiveness of these measures and their implications for the penitentiary system and human rights. Because of this, this study aimed to discuss heinous crimes, presenting the debate about the consequences of committing these crimes in the setting of sentences and their enforcement. In the methodological field, a bibliographical review was carried out, based on scientific articles, books, periodicals, jurisprudence and current legislation on the respective topic. Data collection was carried out through databases such as Scielo, Google Scholar, among others, from 2018 to 2023. In the results, what became clear during the study is that the Heinous Crimes Law brought a regime stricter for crimes considered extremely serious, with the aim of increasing public security and deterring the commission of these crimes. The Anti-Crime Package sought to modernize and strengthen the fight against crime in Brazil. Penal toughening measures, such as restricting benefits, aim to increase the efficiency of the criminal justice system.

Author Biographies

Roberto Alexandre Agripino da Silva, Universidade de Gurupi

Graduado em direito pela Universidade de Gurupi. Policial militar da ativa, atualmente na graduação de cabo, lotado no 4° batalhão da polícia militar do estado do Tocantins. Examinador de trânsito no DETRAN, especialização em gestão pública (Faculdade Serra da Mesa) é graduado em processos gerenciais (UNIBRA/Recife-Pernambuco) é técnico em administração de empresas (work plus) e técnico em recursos humanos (SENAI).

Sergio Marcos de Brito Abreu, Universidade UNIRG

Docente na Graduação na Universidade UNIRG-TO, pós-graduando: direito penal e processual, direito previdenciário e processual, direito civil e processual, direito legislativo, direito processual administrativo disciplinar sindicância, bacharelando em licenciatura em história pela Faculdade FACUMINAS-MG, bacharelando em Ciências Contábeis, UNOPAR.



How to Cite

Silva, R. A. A. da, & Abreu, S. M. de B. (2024). HEDIOUS CRIMES: CONSEQUENCES IN FIXING AND COMPLYING WITH THE PITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 938–952. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i6.14154