



Congenital heart diseases. Early diagnosis. Fetal ultrasound. Prenatal. Prognosis.


Introduction: Congenital heart diseases are anomalies in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, with significant functional importance in newborns. Early detection of these anomalies during pregnancy is essential for appropriate treatment and better prognoses. This study aims to review the literature on the early diagnosis of congenital heart diseases, highlighting its importance and the strategies used. Objective: This study aims to emphasize the relevance of early identification of congenital heart diseases, aiming to determine the most appropriate treatment and increase the chances of success in neonatal care. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted using the PICo strategy to guide the search and selection of articles. Articles published in the last ten years and written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish were included. The critical analysis of the selected articles allowed identifying knowledge gaps and providing information for a more efficient approach to the early diagnosis of congenital heart diseases. Results and Discussion: The results highlight the importance of fetal ultrasound in the early detection of congenital heart diseases, with high precision and accuracy. Additionally, the necessary interventions are discussed, ranging from clinical monitoring to surgical procedures, depending on the complexity of the disease. Challenges related to early diagnosis and treatment of these conditions are also addressed, including susceptibility to hospital-acquired infections. Conclusion: The literature review underscores the importance of early diagnosis of congenital heart diseases, especially through fetal ultrasound. The accuracy of these exams allows for timely and appropriate interventions, improving clinical outcomes and increasing the chances of survival for affected patients. Therefore, the incorporation of these exams into prenatal care represents a significant advancement in fetal medicine and the management of these medical conditions.

Keywords: Congenital heart diseases; Early diagnosis; Fetal ultrasound; Prenatal; Prognosis.

Author Biographies

Michelle Stefanny Fonseca Lafetá, Universidade de Cuiabá

Graduada em medicina- Universidade de Cuiabá, Cuiabá/MT. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-6287-5764. 

Louise Mirante Silva, Centro Universitário Presidente Antônio Carlos

Centro Universitário Presidente Antônio Carlos (UNIPAC-JF), Juiz de Fora-MG. Graduada em medicina- Orcid: 

Pablo Dias Duarte, UFMT

Graduado em medicina- UFMT, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-4180-5514.

Bernardo Henriques Antônio, Centro Universitário Presidente Antônio Carlos

Graduando em medicina-Centro Universitário Presidente Antônio Carlos (UNIPAC-JF), Juiz de Fora-MG. Orcid:  https://orcid.org/0009-0006-9122-6380.

Pablo Nunes Breder, Faculdade de ciências médicas e da saúde de juiz de fora-FCMS-JF

Graduando em medicina-Faculdade de ciências médicas e da saúde de juiz de fora (FCMS-JF). Juiz de fora, minas gerais. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8107.





How to Cite

Lafetá, M. S. F., Silva, L. M., Duarte, P. D., Antônio, B. H., & Breder, P. N. (2024). EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(3), 2568–2574. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i3.13405