
  • Givago Martin de Souza UNISC
  • Roger Rodrigues Islabão Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL
  • Augusto Rostirolla UNISC
  • Leonardo Mattos IBRA
  • Adriano Dias de Oliveira Universidade do Vale do Río dos Sinos - UNISINOS
  • Jeronimo Prade da Silva Uninter


Slang. Culture. Prison System.


We are pleased to present the digital book entitled "Prison Slang and Vocabulary as an Identity and Cultural Mechanism in the RS Prison System", a work that is divided into three chapters and is dedicated to an in-depth investigation into the use of slang and specific vocabulary in the prison context of Rio Grande do Sul, highlighting its importance as identity and cultural elements among those deprived of liberty.
In the first chapter, we explore the concept of slang, its definition and its relevance within linguistic communities. We thoroughly analyzed the origin and dissemination of slang in different social groups, including the prison environment, highlighting its role in the construction of group identities and interpersonal communication.
In the second chapter, entitled "The Relationship between Slang and the Group of Those Deprived of Liberty in the State of RS", we explore the connection between slang and the group of those deprived of liberty in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. We investigate the daily use of slang in prisons, its evolution over time and its importance within the prison subculture, in addition to discussing how slang can reflect sociocultural and political aspects of the prison environment.
In the third and final chapter, we deepen the analysis of the role of slang and prison vocabulary as identity and cultural mechanisms. We explore how these linguistic elements contribute to the construction and maintenance of individual and collective identities among inmates, as well as to the preservation of cultural traditions specific to the prison environment.
Throughout the entire work, we offer a comprehensive and detailed view of the topic, based on thorough research and critical analysis based on sociolinguistic theories and anthropological studies. We hope that this book contributes significantly to a broader and more sensitive understanding of the complexity of language and culture in the prison context of Rio Grande do Sul.
We wish everyone an excellent reading and reflection on the topics covered.
The authors

Author Biographies

Givago Martin de Souza, UNISC

Administração - Ulbra. MBA em Marketing Estratégico - UNISC.

Roger Rodrigues Islabão, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL

Bacharel em Direito - Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL.

Augusto Rostirolla, UNISC

Bacharel em direito - UNISC.

Leonardo Mattos, IBRA

Bacharel em Administração de empresas com ênfase em Marketing pela Estácio e bacharel em Ciências sociais pela IBRA. Pós-graduado em Teoria do crime pela IBRA.

Adriano Dias de Oliveira, Universidade do Vale do Río dos Sinos - UNISINOS

História - licenciatura plena - Universidade do Vale do Río dos Sinos - UNISINOS.

Jeronimo Prade da Silva, Uninter

Tecnologia em marketing-Uninter.



How to Cite

Souza, G. M. de, Islabão, R. R., Rostirolla, A., Mattos, L., Oliveira, A. D. de, & Silva, J. P. da. (2024). PRISON SLANG AND VOCABULARY AS AN IDENTITY AND CULTURAL MECHANISM IN THE PRISON SYSTEM OF RS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–64. Retrieved from



