
  • Tiago dos Santos Arão Universidade Federal de Pelotas-UFPe
  • Bruno de Castro Lino Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Fernanda Quadros da Silva Faculdade IBRA
  • Diego Canabarro Pires UFSM
  • Samuel Pacheco Rosa UNOPAR
  • Décio Sudati Vieira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM


Prison Education. Human rights. Inclusion. Resocialization.


In the intricate and multifaceted scenario of the prison system, the issue of the right to education emerges as a vital element, playing a fundamental role both in the reintegration of inmates into society and in the construction of a more just and inclusive community. This digital book aims to thoroughly and critically explore the role of prison education in the specific context of Rio Grande do Sul. Our intention is to understand the challenges faced, examine successful practices and envision perspectives for the future, all with the aim of contributing significantly for the improvement of public policies and the promotion of human rights in the gaucho prison system.
The methodology adopted in this research encompasses a wide range of techniques, including thorough bibliographical research, detailed analysis of relevant statistical data and interviews carried out with professionals who work in the field of prison education in Rio Grande do Sul. Through an approach
interdisciplinary, our purpose is to provide a broad and in-depth analysis of the complexities involved, considering both legal and political aspects as well as pedagogical practices and the social impacts of education in prison units.
In this specific section, we will dedicate ourselves to meticulously investigating the intersection between prison education, human rights and social inclusion. We will closely examine the national and international legal framework that supports the right to education for individuals deprived of their liberty, highlighting the crucial importance of guaranteeing this fundamental right to preserve human dignity and to facilitate the reintegration of prisoners into society. Furthermore, we will carry out an in-depth analysis of the barriers and obstacles faced in the effective implementation of prison education in Rio Grande do Sul, at the same time, we will explore promising initiatives and experiences that point to paths of overcoming and transformation.
When we reach the final considerations, we will make a meticulous synthesis of the main insights and reflections presented throughout this digital book. We highlight the persistent challenges and identify opportunities to advance the promotion of the right to prison education in the specific context of Rio Grande do Sul. We will propose concrete recommendations and suggestions for the formulation of more effective and inclusive public policies, recognizing education as a fundamental foundation of justice social and the reintegration of individuals into the social fabric. As we close, we will reaffirm our unwavering commitment to defending human rights and strengthening the prison system as a space of opportunity and transformation.

The authors

Author Biographies

Tiago dos Santos Arão, Universidade Federal de Pelotas-UFPe

Especialista em Gestão Prisional. Formado em Letras/Espanhol. Universidade Federal de Pelotas / UFPel 

Bruno de Castro Lino, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Mestrado em Comunicação Midiática Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. 

Fernanda Quadros da Silva, Faculdade IBRA

Pós-graduação em Gestão Pública e Formação Pedagógica em Ciências Sociais Faculdade IBRA.

Diego Canabarro Pires, UFSM

Engenharia Mecânica UFSM. 

Samuel Pacheco Rosa, UNOPAR

Processos Gerenciais Universidade Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR

Décio Sudati Vieira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Educação Física Licenciatura Plena Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM. 



How to Cite

Arão, T. dos S., Lino, B. de C., Silva, F. Q. da, Pires, D. C., Rosa, S. P., & Vieira, D. S. (2024). RIGHT TO PRISON EDUCATION – BRIEF REFLECTIONS AND PERSPECTIVES FOR THE PRISON SYSTEM IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 18–74. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/13033



