
  • Alvacir Oliveira da Silva Anhanguera
  • Lia Zilei de Farias Pires Faculdade Universidade Católica de Pelotas
  • Antonio de Medeiros Zehetmeyer Anhanguera
  • Antonio Mendes Valente Anhanguera
  • Luis Claudio Galiano da Silva Uninter
  • Patrícia dos Santos Lopes Soares Universidade Católica de Pelotas


Occupational Stress. Public security. Servers.


Public security plays a vital role in the harmonious functioning of a society, and it is a crucial responsibility of the State to ensure order and protect citizens. However, professionals working in this sector face significant challenges, including occupational stress, which can have profound impacts on their physical and mental health.
The digital book addresses public security in detail, highlighting it as a fundamental responsibility of the State to protect society against internal and external threats. This involves implementing coordinated measures to prevent and combat crimes, promote public order and ensure the well-being of citizens.
By exploring the concept of Public Security, the e-book analyzes the set of measures and policies adopted by the State to protect citizens, their rights and assets. It includes preventing and repressing crimes, maintaining public order and strengthening the feeling of security in the community.
When covering the "Public Security Service", the book highlights the work carried out by a variety of professionals, including police officers, firefighters, correctional officers and others. These professionals play a crucial role in protecting society, facing risky situations and dealing with different types of emergencies.
Next, the e-book discusses stress as a natural response of the body to physical or emotional demands, which can be triggered by various factors, such as pressure at work, personal problems or dangerous situations.
When addressing occupational stress, the book highlights that this type of stress is related to the work environment and can be caused by excessive workloads, lack of support, interpersonal conflicts, exposure to traumatic situations, among other factors.
The authors investigate the "Potential Sources of Occupational Stress in Public Security Work", highlighting the challenges that professionals face, including dealing with situations of danger, violence and human suffering, working irregular hours and facing pressure to meet goals and objectives .
The book then explores how occupational stress among public safety employees can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including physical symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle pain, and insomnia, and emotional symptoms, such as anxiety, irritability, and depression.
The authors emphasize the importance of public safety professionals having effective strategies to deal with occupational stress in a healthy way. This may include seeking emotional support, engaging in physical activity, developing coping skills, and adopting relaxation and mindfulness techniques.
Ultimately, understanding and managing occupational stress among public safety professionals is essential to ensuring their well-being and effective performance in fulfilling their responsibilities. This digital book seeks to provide insights and guidance on this crucial topic, aiming to promote the health and well-being of these individuals who are so valuable to our society.
We would like this book to become a catalyst for debate on this current and urgent topic.
Happy reading to everyone!
The authors

Author Biographies

Alvacir Oliveira da Silva, Anhanguera

Formação-tecnólogo em segurança pública. Faculdade-Anhanguera.

Lia Zilei de Farias Pires, Faculdade Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Formação Tecnólogo em pública e privada.

Faculdade Universidade Católica de Pelotas.

Antonio de Medeiros Zehetmeyer, Anhanguera

Formação tecnólogo Gestão Publica. Faculdade Anhanguera Pelotas.


Antonio Mendes Valente, Anhanguera

Formação – tecnólogo em segurança pública. Faculdade Anhanguera.

Luis Claudio Galiano da Silva, Uninter

Formação gestão pública Faculdade Uninter.

Patrícia dos Santos Lopes Soares, Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Formação Bacharel em serviço social, Universidade Católica de Pelotas.



How to Cite

Silva, A. O. da, Pires, L. Z. de F., Zehetmeyer, A. de M., Valente, A. M., Silva, L. C. G. da, & Soares, P. dos S. L. (2024). CHARACTERIZATION AND CONSEQUENCES OF OCCUPATIONAL STRESS IN PUBLIC SECURITY PROFESSIONALS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 16–124. Retrieved from



