
  • Elias Vargas Ramm Universidade Federal de Pelotas-UFPEL
  • Tiago Ferreira Machado Universidade do Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR
  • Claudio Emir Bergmann Universidade Católica de Pelotas-UCPEL
  • Cleidson Ferreira dos Santos Universidade da Região da Campanha-URCAMP


Separation of Prisoners. LEP. Over crowded. Prisons.


It is with great satisfaction that we present the digital book "A Separação de Presos nos Estabelecimentos Penais Brasileiros", a work meticulously prepared to analyze and discuss the complex issue of the separation of inmates in the context of the Brazilian penitentiary system. This e-book proposes a legal and practical investigation on the topic, addressing not only what is foreseen in the national legal system, but also comparing it with the reality found in the country's prisons.
The beginning of this work offers an overview of the problem, highlighting the importance of separating prisoners for maintaining order, security and respect for human rights in Brazilian penal establishments. The introduction sets the tone for the critical analysis that will follow.
How prisoners should be separated in Brazilian Penal Institutions according to the Brazilian Legal System. In this chapter, we explore the legal and regulatory provisions that govern the separation of prisoners in Brazil. We carefully examine what the legislation determines and how these provisions are applied in practice, identifying any gaps or discrepancies.
Regarding the Reality of Separation of Prisoners Existing in Brazilian Penal Establishments. This is the central point of the work, where we delve into the real conditions faced by inmates in the country. Through detailed analysis, the book explores effective separation practices, revealing challenges, obstacles, and opportunities for improvement.
Final considerations:
At the end of the work, we offer conclusive reflections on the disparity between what is prescribed by legislation and the practice observed in Brazilian prisons. We present proposals for improvement, highlighting the need for a more effective and humanitarian approach to separating prisoners.
In epitome, the digital book, Separation of Prisoners in Brazilian Penal Establishments, seeks not only to inform, but also to provoke in-depth reflection on a crucial aspect of the penitentiary system. This e-book represents an invitation to discuss and search for solutions that promote justice, dignity and effectiveness of the prison system in Brazil.

The authors,

Author Biographies

Elias Vargas Ramm, Universidade Federal de Pelotas-UFPEL

Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública – Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL).

Tiago Ferreira Machado, Universidade do Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR

Tecnólogo em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas – Universidade do Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR)


Claudio Emir Bergmann, Universidade Católica de Pelotas-UCPEL

Licenciado em História - Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPEL).

Cleidson Ferreira dos Santos, Universidade da Região da Campanha-URCAMP

Licenciado em Matemática – Universidade da Região da Campanha (URCAMP)




How to Cite

Ramm, E. V., Machado, T. F., Bergmann, C. E., & Santos, C. F. dos. (2024). THE SEPARATION OF PRISONERS IN BRAZILIAN PENAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–67. Retrieved from



