
  • Gláucia Medianeira Coelho Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Ilse Abegg Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Teaching-learning. Research-action-school. Moodle. Networked educational technologies.


Welcome to this digital book that exposes the results of innovative research on the integration of Moodle, a free software platform, within the scope of Polytechnic Secondary Education. This project emerges from the need to explore the potential of Moodle as a mediator in school practices, standing out as an educational technology capable of fostering interaction, interactivity and collaboration.
The growing importance of educational technologies in the current scenario is undeniable, and Moodle stands out as a valuable tool for transforming the learning environment. However, a worrying gap was identified: high school teachers were often not effectively incorporating Moodle into their pedagogical approaches.
The research adopted the School-Action-Investigation (IAE) methodology, conducted during the first semester of 2016 until the first semester of 2017, with the aim of investigating the potential of Moodle as a mediator of teaching activities in Polytechnic High School.
The participants in this research were five teachers and 34 students from the Polytechnic College of the Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM. The approach included micro-workshops, providing teachers with an exploration of the potential of Moodle.
The results initially revealed that none of the teachers used Moodle. However, everyone recognized the relevance of digital inclusion in the school context. Surprisingly, all students had access to the internet and expressed a desire for teachers to incorporate Moodle into their practices.
This digital book demonstrates that research played a crucial role in awakening teachers and students to the potential of Moodle. Some changes in teachers' practices were observed, showing a gradual integration of Moodle into teaching activities. The virtual environment proved to be an effective mediator in the teaching-learning process.
The conclusion highlights the importance of continuing these practices. The challenge now is to consolidate the use of Moodle in everyday school life, transforming these experiences into an integral part of educational practice.
This book provides valuable insights for educators interested in enriching their pedagogical practices with innovative technologies, presenting not only the challenges faced, but also the successes achieved when integrating Moodle in the context of Polytechnic Secondary Education. The journey of educational transformation continues, and this work contributes significantly to that process.
I wish you all a fruitful reading!!!!
The author,

Author Biographies

Gláucia Medianeira Coelho Pereira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Mestrado em educação — Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Ilse Abegg, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutorado em informática na educação — Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Brasil. 



How to Cite

Pereira, G. M. C., & Abegg, I. (2024). INTEGRATION OF THE MOODLE VIRTUAL TEACHING-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IN POLYTECHNIC HIGH SCHOOL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 08–116. Retrieved from



