


Polypharmacy. Elderly Health. Metabolic syndrome.


OBJECTIVE: To highlight the main consequences and factors that influence the prognosis of metabolic syndrome in the elderly. METHODOLOGY: This research is an integrative literature review. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: The global aging process contributes to the increase in chronic diseases in the elderly population. Metabolic syndrome, as it is a multifactorial disease, requires treatment of the underlying pathologies associated with changes in lifestyle. Furthermore, care is needed to avoid polypharmacy in elderly patients, considering that drug interactions can worsen their condition. Therefore, good guidance from the multidisciplinary team is necessary when indicating a course of action for elderly patients with MS, so that they can use the prescribed treatment and avoid complications due to the pathology. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The study made it possible to identify that the main consequences of MS in the elderly are the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, drug interactions and morbidity and mortality. Therefore, it is essential to guide the patient to undergo appropriate treatment with lifestyle changes for a better prognosis and well-being.

Author Biographies

Leyce de Paiva Alves, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas – UNISL. 

Izaias Souza Barros Netto , Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas – UNISL.

Násser Cavalcante Hijazi, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas – UNISL. 

Victória Christine de Almeida Santos, Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas - UNCISAL

Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas – UNCISAL.

Blandina Luanni Lima e Silva, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas- UNISL. 

Mirlen Alves da Costa Verzeletti, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas – UNISL. 

Gelma Maria Jerônymo Vieira Neves, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas – UNISL. 

Ricardo Shinji Takahashi, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Centro Universitário São Lucas – UNISL. 

Victor Olavo da Silva, Centro Universitário São Lucas - UNISL

Acadêmico de Medicina. Centro Universitário São Lucas (UNISL).

Cleber Queiroz Leite, Faculdade de Ensino Superior da Amazônia Reunida - FESAR

Médico pelo Centro Universitário São Lucas (UNISL).  Docente pela Faculdade de Ensino Superior da Amazônia Reunida (FESAR). Orcid:



How to Cite

Alves, L. de P., Netto , I. S. B., Hijazi, N. C., Santos, V. C. de A., Silva, B. L. L. e, Verzeletti, M. A. da C., … Leite, C. Q. (2024). CONSEQUENCES AND TREATMENT OF METABOLIC SYNDROME IN THE ELDERLY POPULATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(12), 587–596.