
  • Maria Francisca Nascimento Portela Afya Uninovafapi
  • Vitor Ribeiro Novaes Hospital Estadual do Centro Norte Goiano




Uterine myoma. Clinical manifestations. Surgical treatment. Myomectomy. Surgical evaluation.


Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or fibromas, are benign tumors that develop in a woman's uterus. These formations are mainly composed of muscle cells and fibrous tissue, and although they are benign, they can cause a variety of clinical manifestations that affect women's health and quality of life. Symptoms can range from abnormal menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, pressure on the bladder and intestines, to reproductive complications. The surgical approach, in particular myomectomy, is one of the treatment options to alleviate symptoms and improve patients' quality of life. This systematic literature review aims to analyze studies that were dedicated to investigating the clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids and surgical evaluation as a therapeutic option. Objective: to evaluate the clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids and the surgical approach, specifically myomectomy, as a treatment option. Methodology: a search was carried out in the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases, covering the period from 2013 to 2023. Five descriptors were used for the search: "uterine fibroid", "clinical manifestations", "surgical treatment", " myomectomy", and "surgical evaluation". The inclusion criteria were: Studies that addressed the clinical manifestations associated with uterine fibroids. Research that investigated myomectomy as a surgical treatment option and Articles published in English, Portuguese or Spanish. The exclusion criteria were: Studies that did not present relevant data on the clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids and Review articles, case reports and editorials and studies with small samples and non-robust research methods. Results: analysis of the selected articles highlighted a variety of clinical manifestations associated with uterine fibroids, including abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, reproductive dysfunctions and urinary symptoms. Furthermore, myomectomy has been highlighted as an effective surgical intervention to reduce symptoms and improve patients' quality of life. The main topics covered in the studies included indications for surgery, surgical techniques, clinical results and complications associated with the procedure. Conclusion: based on the studies analyzed, it is clear that uterine fibroids can cause a series of clinical manifestations that significantly impact women's lives. Myomectomy stands out as an effective surgical option to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. However, appropriate patient selection, considering the risks and benefits of surgery, is essential. This systematic review provides relevant information for understanding the clinical manifestations of uterine fibroids and surgical evaluation as part of treatment.

Author Biographies

Maria Francisca Nascimento Portela, Afya Uninovafapi

Acadêmica de Enfermagem- Afya Uninovafapi.

Vitor Ribeiro Novaes, Hospital Estadual do Centro Norte Goiano

Médico Residente de Cirurgia Geral- Hospital Estadual do Centro Norte Goiano.



How to Cite

Portela, M. F. N., & Novaes, V. R. (2023). UTERINE MYOMA: CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND SURGICAL EVALUATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(9), 3888–3897. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i9.11549