
  • Ramon Duarte Maia Universidade Anhanguera
  • Stefani Teixeira Mendes Universidade nove de julho
  • Marcella Tamiozzo Pereira Torres UniFOA
  • Martha Castello Branco de Mello Dias Universidade Estacio de Sá
  • Mônica Regina da Costa Marques Calderari Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
  • Kelly Ribeiro Moura Barboza UVV
  • Danielle Castro Hoffmann UniRedentor
  • Lília Teixeira Eufrásio Leite Universidade Estadual do Ceará



Probiotics. Therapeutic approaches. Restoration of intestinal microbiota balance.


The treatment of depression has been the subject of study and research in several areas of health. Among the therapeutic approaches used, probiotics have stood out as a new approach to improving mental health. Probiotics are live microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast, which, when administered in adequate amounts, provide health benefits. The relationship between the intestine and the brain has been increasingly explored, and recent studies have demonstrated that there is a bidirectional communication between these two organs, known as the gut-brain axis. In this sense, the intestinal microbiota plays a crucial role in regulating behavior and mood, and dysbiosis (imbalance of intestinal flora) has been associated with several diseases, including depression. Probiotics, when administered, work to restore the balance of the intestinal microbiota, increasing the amount of beneficial bacteria and suppressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Furthermore, they also help in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which are directly related to mood and emotion. Clinical studies have shown that the administration of probiotics can improve the symptoms of depression, reducing the frequency and intensity of depressive episodes. Additionally, they can also improve anxiety and stress, symptoms often associated with depression. Despite the promising results, it is necessary to emphasize that probiotics should not be used as a sole treatment for depression, but rather as a complementary approach to conventional therapies. It is essential that patients with depression are properly evaluated and monitored by trained health professionals. In short, probiotics can play an important role in the treatment of depression, helping to restore the balance of the intestinal microbiota and improving patients' mood and emotion. However, more studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms of action and effectiveness of probiotics in this context.

Author Biographies

Ramon Duarte Maia, Universidade Anhanguera

Universidade Anhanguera - Câmpus de Brasília.

Stefani Teixeira Mendes, Universidade nove de julho

Universidade nove de julho.

Marcella Tamiozzo Pereira Torres, UniFOA

UniFOA, Mestranda em Saúde da Família.

Martha Castello Branco de Mello Dias, Universidade Estacio de Sá

Universidade Estacio de Sá

Mônica Regina da Costa Marques Calderari, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ.

Kelly Ribeiro Moura Barboza, UVV

UVV, Médica gastroenterologista e graduanda em nutrição do sexto período UVV

Danielle Castro Hoffmann, UniRedentor


Lília Teixeira Eufrásio Leite, Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Nutricionista Clínica do Complexo Hospitalar da Universidade Federal do Ceará / Empresa Brasileira de Serviços




How to Cite

Maia, R. D., Mendes, S. T., Torres, M. T. P., Dias, M. C. B. de M., Calderari, M. R. da C. M., Barboza, K. R. M., … Leite, L. T. E. (2023). THE ROLE OF PROBIOTICS IN THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION: A NEW LOOK AT MENTAL HEALTH. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(9), 3357–3371.