
  • Paulina Nunes Heringer Centro Universitário Unieuro
  • Macileide da Silva Bandeira Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Anna Karla Sabino Barbosa Universidade do Estado da Bahia
  • Danielle Portela de Almeida UNIASSELVI
  • Rejane Ribeiro de Souza Costa Faculdade Estácio de Sá
  • Marcella Tamiozzo Pereira Torres UniFOA




Intermittent fasting. Performance. Specific exercises. Strength training. Resistance training. ​Consulte os de


This article presents a systematic review of the effects of intermittent fasting on specific exercise performance outcomes. Intermittent fasting is an eating strategy that involves periods of food restriction interspersed with periods of normal eating. The practice of intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular, both among athletes and the general population, in search of benefits for health and physical performance. Scientific studies published between 2010 and 2020 were reviewed, which investigated the effects of intermittent fasting on specific exercise modalities, such as strength training, resistance and high-intensity exercises. The majority of studies included in this review showed that intermittent fasting did not have significant negative effects on specific exercise performance outcomes. Regarding strength training, some studies have suggested that intermittent fasting can help reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. However, results have been inconsistent and more research is needed to better understand the relationship between intermittent fasting and strength training. In resistance training, some studies have indicated that intermittent fasting can improve the use of fat as an energy source during exercise, which can be advantageous in long-duration activities. However, again, the evidence is limited and more studies are needed. Regarding high-intensity exercise, the few studies available suggest that intermittent fasting may not negatively influence performance in these modalities. However, more research is needed to confirm these results. In summary, this systematic review indicates that intermittent fasting does not appear to have significant negative effects on specific exercise performance outcomes. However, available evidence is limited and more research is needed to better understand the effects of intermittent fasting in these modalities.

Author Biographies

Paulina Nunes Heringer, Centro Universitário Unieuro

Centro Universitário Unieuro.

Macileide da Silva Bandeira, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Estatual do Ceará, Nutricionista Clínico do Complexo Hospitalar da Universidade Federal do Ceará / Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (CH-UFC/EBSERH).

Anna Karla Sabino Barbosa, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Universidade do Estado da Bahia.

Danielle Portela de Almeida, UNIASSELVI

UNIASSELVI, Mestre em Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia (UEA).

Rejane Ribeiro de Souza Costa, Faculdade Estácio de Sá

UniNorte Laurent. Pós-graduação em nutrição clínica pela Faculdade Estácio de Sá.

Marcella Tamiozzo Pereira Torres, UniFOA

UniFOA, Mestranda em Saúde da Família.



How to Cite

Heringer, P. N., Bandeira, M. da S., Barbosa, A. K. S., Almeida, D. P. de, Costa, R. R. de S., & Torres, M. T. P. (2023). EFFECTS OF INTERMITTENT FASTING ON SPECIFIC EXERCISE PERFORMANCE RESULTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(9), 3305–3320. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i9.11484