
  • José Valério da Silva Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG
  • Camylla Doudement Duarte de Lima Faculdade Fortium
  • Maria das Neves Sousa do Nascimento PGDF
  • Maria Julia da Silva Brandão Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG
  • Mylena Carolina Azevedo Lopes Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG
  • Marcelo Aparecido da Cunha Projeto Equidade Brasil


Legal advancement. Right. Society.


I respectfully address the noble authors, distinguished academics, jurists and enthusiasts of the legal universe,
It is with immense satisfaction that I present to all of you this unique digital book, where we will delve into the depths of legal knowledge to discuss extremely relevant topics that promote the advancement of Law on national soil. Under the eloquent title of "Discussing the Law: Technical Analyzes for the Benefit of National Legal Advancement", we are privileged to enter a world of intellectual complexity and commitment to justice and equity.
In the link to the first chapter, under the instigating title "The Promotion of Public Policies Aimed at Preventing the Use of Narcotics by Children and Adolescents: A Study on the Role of the Government in the Municipality of São José da Laje - Alagoas", we will unravel the intricacies of the Right of children and adolescents, touching the intricate webs of Public Policies and the guidelines outlined by ECA. In this kaleidoscope of knowledge, we will be led to deep reflections on the role of the State in the protection and formation of future generations.
The second chapter, entitled "The Verification of the Effectiveness of the Femicide Criminal Type in Reducing Gender-Based Homicides", will lead us through a critical and insightful journey on the phenomenon of femicide and its inescapable relationship with gender crimes. A meticulous analysis that urges us to question and understand the effectiveness of the legal measures adopted to combat this sad scourge.

In a subtle compass, the third chapter emerges, resplendent in its nomenclature: "Humanitarian Household Arrest: Maternity Protection in the Face of Public Safety". Here, we enter the universe of humanitarianism and motherhood, delicately balancing the premises of justice with compassion and the preservation of the family institution. An emotional and intellectual clash that forces us to balance the demands of public safety with the inalienable right to motherhood.
Advancing in our tour through the intricate labyrinth of legal knowledge, the penultimate chapter, under the imposing title "The Importance of the Police Inquiry for the Elucidation of Crimes", invites us to explore the foundations of criminal prosecution and the foundries of evidence embedded in the framework of the police inquiry. A deep and meticulous investigation that, like the light that illuminates the shadows, will reveal the hidden truth behind each crime.
Finally, the last chapter, a masterful closing, throws us on the threshold of the "Brazilian Prison System: The Reality of Incarcerated". In this final foray, we will be challenged to confront the ills and complexities of a prison system permeated with nuances, where the Penal Code and the Criminal Execution Law outline the fate of those who, deprived of their liberty, await the opportunity to reintegrate into society.
May this e-book become a fanal to foster the discussions that truly pave the road to legal advancement in our nation.
Everyone, know that this e-book enriches this intellectual journey, and the incessant search for a fairer and more equitable Law is the beacon that guides us.
May our minds be sharp, may our hearts be open and may our commitment to legal excellence be unwavering. Let us be the builders of the future of Law!
Prof. Dr. Patrícia Ribeiro.
Editor-in-Chief of Revista Ibero — Americana de Humanidades, Ciência Educação.

Author Biographies

José Valério da Silva, Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG

Jurista (Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG). Pedagogo (FACULDADE RAIMUNDO MARINHO – FRM). Pós-graduado em Psicopedagogia – Clínica e Institucional (Centro de Ensino Superior Arcanjo Mikael de Arapiraca – CESAMA). Especializado em Gestão Escolar (Universidade Federal de Alagoas – UFAL). Dentre outras especializações disponíveis no Currículo Lattes. 2º SGT R/R da polícia Militar de Estado de Alagoas, Diretor Escolar da Escola Municipal Fernando Galvão de Pontes – EMFGP, no período de 2012–2014. Conselheiro Municipal de Saúde da Cidade de São José da Laje/AL.

Camylla Doudement Duarte de Lima, Faculdade Fortium

Jurista (Faculdade Fortium). Pós-graduada em Direito Penal (Faculdade Metropolitana). Pós-graduação em curso em Direito de Família e Sucessões (Faculdade Legale). Advogada com inscrição na Seccional do Distrito Federal. Advogada atuante em Direito de Família e Sucessões, membro da Comissão de Direito de Família e Sucessões da OAB|DF. Membro da Comissão de Combate a Violência Doméstica e Familiar da OAB|DF. 

Maria das Neves Sousa do Nascimento, PGDF

Jurista (Faculdade Anhanguera de Brasília-DF). Estagiária na procuradoria do Distrito Federal(PGDF), no período de 2020-2021. 

Maria Julia da Silva Brandão, Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG

Jurista (Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG em Maceió-AL). Estagiária na superintendência Regional da polícia Federal. Auxiliar administrativa no Tribunal de Contas do Estado, no período de 2018 - 2020.

Mylena Carolina Azevedo Lopes, Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG

Jurista (Faculdade Delmiro Gouveia-FDG), estagiária na 16ª Vara Cível da Fazenda Estadual no  Fórum Desembargador Jairon Maia. Atua como Auxiliar Administrativo do São Judas Tadeu Colégio e Cursos, iniciando em 2016. Foi estagiária do Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores do Município de Maceió, no período de agosto/2018 à agosto/2020.

Marcelo Aparecido da Cunha, Projeto Equidade Brasil

Jurista (Centro Universitário Max Planck - UNIMAX).



How to Cite

Silva, J. V. da, Lima, C. D. D. de, Nascimento, M. das N. S. do, Brandão, M. J. da S., Lopes, M. C. A., & Cunha, M. A. da. (2023). DISCUSSING LAW: TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TO BENEFIT NATIONAL LEGAL ADVANCE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 14–240. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/10656



