
  • Isaías Silva de Carvalho Universidade Estadual do Maranhão




Dyslexia is a specific problem in reading and writing, this learning difficulty is known in the school context, but in reality it is not very clearly understood, causing problems in the child's life that are even more serious due to the way in which work with children with dyslexia at school: The General Objective of the work was to analyze how Dyslexia interferes in the teaching-learning process, in order to offer ways to educators that can contribute to the overcoming of students with this disorder, as Specific Objectives: To analyze the consequences of dyslexia in school life: Apply pedagogical methods that help dyslexic students learn: The methodology used was bibliographical research, reading scientific articles and abstracts on the subject, critically analyzing what is essential to understand: What is Dyslexia? How should teachers act on this issue? Also understand the ludic activities to use it as a necessary pedagogical resource, how can the teacher's pedagogical action help in this development? Dyslexia is a learning disorder related to reading and writing. Playful activities are used by the school as a resource of paramount importance to carry out these activities in the educational field, including with children with dyslexia. Intervention in dyslexia can be done through these literacy methods: The teacher reads and rereads the alphabet, works with vowels and letter families, using the alphabet the child will only read and observe the letters and will learn to recognize the letters in the future in other classes, by studying the vowels they can even identify the vowels in the alphabet, by studying the family of letters the child will get to know the syllables, these are simple activities for dyslexics to understand, because a more complex and difficult activity they will not understand: The results of this research showed that the intervention of the teacher with this individual with dyslexia has been discussed as the most important pedagogical strategy to enable the achievement of positive results in this educational reality: It is concluded that it is evidently clear that it is up to the teacher within the space present pedagogical interventions that create affective situations, awakening interest in teaching and a taste for reading, also reinforcing the improvement of the development of the autonomy of students with dyslexia, in order to search for solutions to their own problems and that they can overcome, face the frustrations in life School is social.

Author Biography

Isaías Silva de Carvalho, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão

Pedagogia licenciatura, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão.



How to Cite

Carvalho, I. S. de. (2023). DYSLEXIA IN THE SCHOOL CONTEXT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(6), 1917–1918. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i6.10351