
  • Omar Carline Bueno SIFETE - Pesquisa Científica



In 1976 he was working in Miranda-MS, collecting data to confirm the thesis “that the Pantanal was once a sea”.
Geologists discovered that over 300 million years ago the Pantanal was covered by the sea. There is evidence and these are abundant: remains of marine animals, sedimentary layers, salinas and mudflats, which are salty clay pastures.
In gathering information (narratives) about the history of the region, surveyor Celso Ferdinando Thiry reported that he had found stone where it should not exist.
Thiry was a great connoisseur of those parts, precisely as a result of his work as a land surveyor. He said that he had been searching the area for 20 years and among his findings were walls with inscriptions and stones with indications, including directional arrows, in Serra da Bodoquena. In the narrative, he had mentioned a flat region, without stones, in which a supposed cemetery would be located and where the owner of the farm would have found a human skeleton of more than normal size. We named the place “Cemetery of Giants”. One of the facts that drew attention was the existence of stones forming circles, surrounding what should be tombs. The region was flat and the stones only existed at a distance of three thousand meters, approximately.

Author Biography

Omar Carline Bueno, SIFETE - Pesquisa Científica

 Pós-graduado (Lato sensu) Arqueologia Pública (Sustentabilidade e Políticas Públicas) - UNICAMP.



How to Cite

Bueno, O. C. (2023). INCA CULTURE IN BRAZIL?. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(6), 1872–1880.