
  • Nedilson José Gomes de Melo Universidad del Sol – UNADES (PY)
  • Avaetê de Lunetta e Rodrigues Guerra Universidad del Sol – PY



SESMT. Workplace safety. Safety in school environments.


Concerns about school safety and health rarely receive much attention from the general public. However, this is an issue that school administrators must pay close attention to. Many people believe that schools do not need to discuss this topic because of an unclear policy on its inclusion in annual planning. But any educational institution needs to have a clear agenda for its safety and health initiatives. Included in this agenda should be discussions about how the school will prevent students, teachers, school staff, and other professionals from getting hurt or sick. The lack of proper planning by schools leaves them vulnerable to falling into precarious conditions. This present work is a bibliographical research and also a case study, carried out at Escola Epitácio Pessoa with the following problem question: "What is the importance of work safety in professional education school environments?". question, the following general objective of Understanding the Importance of work safety in school environments of professional education is necessary. This study verified the need for awareness of safety, hygiene and health at work in all environments, mainly in the school environment, the research data, it was possible to show that the place chosen for the study had low security, both for students and for the professionals who live there.

Author Biographies

Nedilson José Gomes de Melo, Universidad del Sol – UNADES (PY)

Mestre em Ciências da Educação – UNADES (PY), Especialista em Engenharia de Segurança do trabalho UCAM, Bacharel em Engenharia de Produção – UNINTER. 

Avaetê de Lunetta e Rodrigues Guerra, Universidad del Sol – PY

Doutorando em Ciências da Educação – Universidad del Sol – PY, Mestre em Filosofia - UFPB.



How to Cite

Melo, N. J. G. de ., & Guerra, A. de L. e R. . (2023). WORK SAFETY IN ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENTS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(3), 790– 798.