
  • Márcio Orelio Santos da Silva
  • Gilson Cleff dos Santos
  • Alef Saizer Fiori
  • Sandro Goulart da Costa
  • Everton Severino Veira da Silva
  • Cleidson Teixeira Vinhas


Management. Privatization. Prison. Prisons. Resocialization.


Dear readers, it is with enthusiasm that we present this digital book that aims to explore the intricate intricacies of the prison reality in Brazil, under the aegis of the continued training of prison officers and the in-depth analysis of criminal organizations. With three substantial chapters, this work aims to enrich the understanding of the challenges faced and provide innovative perspectives for the future of the prison system in the country.
The first chapter, "A Prison Management Model", opens this work with a meticulous foray into the complexities inherent to prison management. The authors undertake a critical analysis of the current model, highlighting its gaps and proposing innovative approaches for more efficient and humanized administration.
Exploring continued training as a foundation, the chapter reveals the pressing need for technical and behavioral training of prison officers, aiming for a more holistic and adaptive approach to contemporary challenges. The reader will be guided by deep reflections on the intersection between efficient prison management and the constant training of professionals who work in this complex environment.
The second chapter, entitled "Privatization of Prisons as a Path to Follow?", introduces a crucial and often controversial discussion in the context of Brazilian prison management. The authors present an impartial analysis of the pros and cons of privatization, bringing to light international experiences and contextualizing the specific challenges of the national prison system.
Throughout this chapter, readers will be encouraged to consider the ethical, social and legal impacts of privatization, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the possible implications of this approach in the Brazilian scenario.
The third chapter, "Characteristics of Criminal Organizations", delves into the analysis of the structures, dynamics and strategies adopted by criminal organizations that permeate the Brazilian social fabric. The authors reveal the nuances of these entities, providing a detailed overview of the characteristics that define them and the challenges they pose to the public security system.
In this chapter, the continued training of prison officers also reveals itself as a crucial element for understanding and effectively confronting criminal organizations. The reader will be led through an analytical journey that highlights the importance of constant updating in the face of the mutations and sophistications of the criminal scenario.
This work represents an invitation to deep reflection and the search for innovative solutions to the challenges intrinsic to the career of prison officers and to confronting criminal organizations in Brazil. We wish readers an enriching and inspiring journey.

Author Biographies

Márcio Orelio Santos da Silva

Grad: Licença em História,Tecnologia em RH,Tecnologia em Gestão Publica,Pós: Gestão Prisional, Segurança Pública,Direito Penal e processual Penal.

Gilson Cleff dos Santos

Pós em criminologia, pós em gestão pública, curso superior em ciências sociais.

Alef Saizer Fiori

Graduação licenciatura em Educação Física, Pós graduação Gestão pública.

Sandro Goulart da Costa

Graduação em serviço jurídico notórias. Licenciatura em ciências sociais. Pós-graduação em direito penal, pós-graduação processual penal. Pós-graduação, segurança pública.

Everton Severino Veira da Silva

Tecnólogo em gestão pública, pós-graduação em criminologia: gestão pública.

Cleidson Teixeira Vinhas

Bacharel em administração e licenciatura em Matemática.



How to Cite

Silva, M. O. S. da, Santos, G. C. dos, Fiori, A. S., Costa, S. G. da, Silva, E. S. V. da, & Vinhas, C. T. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUING TRAINING IN THE CAREER OF PRISON OFFICERS AND CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS IN BRAZIL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10–94. Retrieved from



