
  • Cristiane Lopes da Silva Centro Universitário UniLS
  • Karina Lopes de Oliveira Centro Universitário UniLS
  • Lorrany da Silva Martins Santiago Centro Universitário UniLS
  • Pedro Henrique Santos Veloso Centro Universitário UniLS



Polymethylmethacrylate. Body. Intercurrence. Integumentary system.


As a form of beauty standard, as well as the elevation of aesthetics, procedures whose purpose is to provide physical beauty, in this sense, presents the permanent filler Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) whose feasibility deals with bioplasty, performing a filler function of soft tissues. As it is a product of high composition, specifically thermoplastic polymer, in recent decades variations in complications have been demonstrated, since the product applied to the integumentary system aims to correct imperfections, enhance aesthetic beauty, thus, the body as a reagent. , understands that the added product does not correspond to the functions of the organism, in this way, it uses its attributions to prevent contact, and tries to expel it, later causing the presence of diseases, since the organism does not accept the object because the line of body functionalities, consequently generating complications. Therefore, it denotes the importance of knowing the injectable product, and attributing the necessary complications, so that it deals with a product of specific composition, originated from polymer, whose dominance deals with thermoplastic being applied to the body.

Author Biographies

Cristiane Lopes da Silva, Centro Universitário UniLS

Graduanda em Biomedicina pelo Centro Universitário UniLS (DF). 

Karina Lopes de Oliveira, Centro Universitário UniLS

Graduanda em Biomedicina pelo Centro Universitário UniLS (DF).

Lorrany da Silva Martins Santiago, Centro Universitário UniLS

Graduanda em Biomedicina pelo Centro Universitário UniLS (DF). 

Pedro Henrique Santos Veloso, Centro Universitário UniLS

Especialista em Biomedicina Estética e Anatomia Funcional pela Faculdade AVM. Habilitado em patologia clínica, acupuntura e bioinformática pelo Conselho Regional de Biomedicina da 3a Região. Graduado em Biomedicina pela Faculdade Anhanguera de Brasília. Professor do curso de pós graduação em Saúde Estética e dos cursos de graduação em Biomedicina e CST de Estética e Cosmética do Centro Universitário UniLS (DF). Professor de harmonização facial na Veloso Academy (DF). CEO e Biomédico Esteta na Veloso - Clínica Biomédica (DF). ORCID:



How to Cite

Silva, C. L. da ., Oliveira, K. L. de ., Santiago, L. da S. M. ., & Veloso, P. H. S. . (2022). THE RISKS OF FILLING WITH POLYMETHYLMETHACRYLATE (PMMA): A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(11), 2543–2552.