
  • Arthur Henrique Silva de Carvalho Centro Universitário São Lucas
  • André Luiz de Oliveira Brum Centro Universitário São Lucas



Moral harassment. Moral violence. Desktop. Humiliation. Principle of human dignity.


The present article sought to study one of the most discussed topics currently in work relationships of silent, cruel and humiliating psychological violence, an environment of humiliation for employees in the employee in principle, what is the person's relationships. What determines this type of violence is the repetition of adverse attitudes to which the harassed person is not able to exhibit such behavior or understand its true reasons. Abuse can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the harasser's personal reasons, and which, by the victim's competence, may be a risk to his or her own employment. The consequences are overwhelming; sometimes the victim carries the trauma for life, which is reflected in their family relationship, such as raising children, many marriages; or in the company where you work, increasing productivity. It can be as consequences for social security, which will bear health costs in an attempt to repair as victims of harassment, including hospitalization, unemployment compensation and/or early withdrawals. For the State, the main consequence is the experience of this disease, since the highest percentage of its occurrence is in the public service. Brazilians still do not have specific legislation on the subject; therefore, the applied is entitled to constitutional grounds, as well as the provisions of the Consolidation of Labor Laws - CLT. In the Chamber of Deputies, it deals with a bill that aims to deal with the subject in a specific way. The Federal Constitution makes it clear that every worker has the right to a healthy work environment. At Magna, the principle is further ahead through the moral profile, the person's connection. In this way, the need for a human working environment for the worker is evident. The result of the research was the elaboration and the result of this article, the instructed devices and the employees prepared in their functions, to instruct the instructed devices, the employees prepared in their functions, the instructed elements based on the devices presented by the current tested and their consequences.

Author Biographies

Arthur Henrique Silva de Carvalho, Centro Universitário São Lucas

Graduando do curso em bacharel Direito pelo Centro Universitário São Lucas. Graduado em Matemática (FASP) e Pedagogia (UNICID). Especialista em Educação em Docência no Ensino Superior (UNICID). Cursando bacharel em Ciências de Dados (UNIVESP). E- mail:  

André Luiz de Oliveira Brum, Centro Universitário São Lucas

Professor do Centro Universitário São Lucas, onde desenvolve pesquisa pelo Programa de Apoio à Pesquisa (PAP - UniSL). Advogado. Analista Processual na Procuradoria Geral do Estado de Rondônia (PGE-RO). Mestre em Psicologia. Especialista em Direito Civil e Processo Civil. Coordenador Editorial da ESA/RO e membro do corpo editorial das Revistas Saber Científico (UniSL) e Olhar Científico (FAAR) . É membro fundador e Vice-Presidente do Instituto de Direito Processual de Rondônia (IDPR). Orientador do Núcleo de Direito Processual da Liga Acadêmica de Ciências Jurídicas de Rondônia - LACIJUR. Mediador certificado pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça e ex-servidor do Tribunal de Justiça de Rondônia, onde foi Assessor de Juiz e Diretor de Cartório Cível. Exerceu instrutoria interna na Escola da Magistratura do Estado de Rondônia (EMERON) por diversas vezes. É Presidente do Conselho Editorial do Fórum Amazônico de Direito Processual, realizado pelo Instituto Rondoniense de Direito Processual. Telefone para contato: *(69) 99248-7192. E-mail:



How to Cite

Carvalho, A. H. S. de ., & Brum, A. L. de O. . (2022). MORAL HARASSMENT WORK ENVIRONMENT: A LOOK AT THE PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN DIGNITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(5), 461–489.