Difficulties, limits and possibilities: rethinking the teacher's training to assist deaf students in regular education



  • Suély do Socorro Cunha de Freitas Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú-UVA


Education. Teacher. Student. Deaf. Inclusion.


This article aims to think about the issues that point to the ways of the teacher's work in the education of deaf students. This study sought to highlight the importance of teacher education, the difficulties encountered by them, including school, deafness and educational practices. The article was to approach as many authors (BUENO, 1998), (MANTOAN, 2001), (SACKS, 1989) and (STAINBACK & STAINBACK, 1999). The study was literature, and presents reflections on the challenge of training teachers for inclusive education, as it was understood by the teacher about ways modes of performing a particular job, the teaching, so teaching that takes place through of shares and options of how to teach, how students learn, the concept of the subject, as well as expectations about the future of these students. Therefore, we sought to contribute to the understanding that the inclusion of students with deafness from the recognition of equality of values, rights and attitudes that reflect consistency between what they say and do. In other words, the study showed that teachers need to modify their instructional practices and seeking training to get students into regular classrooms regardless of their condition, in short all who are in search of development.

Author Biography

Suély do Socorro Cunha de Freitas, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú-UVA

Pedagoga graduada pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú-UVA. Pós-graduada em educação especial pelas  Faculdades Integradas Ipiranga suely.s.c.freitas@gmail.com.



How to Cite

Freitas, S. do S. C. de . (2020). Difficulties, limits and possibilities: rethinking the teacher’s training to assist deaf students in regular education: doi.org/10.29327/4429217. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 6(11), 210–230. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/501