
  • Abilene San Martin de Souza Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande.
  • Cleonildo de Lima Campos Universidade de Cuiabá
  • Juniana Patrícia Silva de Souza Universidade de Várzea Grande
  • Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Faria Garcia
  • Rosecler de Carvalho Senra Santos UFMT
  • Silvaneide da Silva Vieira Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande



MEC. Internet. Computers.


The aim of this article is to address the importance of the internet in education, using the bibliographic methodology carried out on top of magazine magazines and some sites for the development and complementation of the work. Nowadays, we are well aware that the use of technologies in education needs to overcome numerous barriers, among them the issue of infrastructure, the lack of machines (computers) in schools, quality internet and with a good speed in addition to investments in training for employees. In fact, the training of employees is one of the challenges that permeate and hinder the evolution of the internet in public education in our country. Currently, several schools in Brazil have benefited from an advanced information system on the internet, where MEC has developed several projects such as the National Educational Technology Program (Proinfo) that makes computers, digital resources and educational content available to schools in addition to the project Um Computer por Student (UCA), who contributes notebooks for all high school students, especially students with Special Needs (PNE). To promote access to the Internet, there is also the Broadband in Schools Program (PBLE) and other actions, such as the National Continuing Education Program present in all municipal and state institutions, Educational Technology (Proinfo Integrado) that guide educators on the correct use of this innovative technology with its students in the classroom and the entire school environment. In contrast, MEC is aware of the need for schools to be connected and for pedagogical technologies to be disseminated in the public school system. This is the direction, but there is still much improvement for the correct use of this innovative tool on the Internet. It is noted that the need for evolution is present all over the world today, including in educational environments, which a large part of teaching and learning institutions have software and websites for the development of complementary activities and competent video lessons that will contribute to the training and orientation of its students.

Author Biographies

Abilene San Martin de Souza, Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande.

Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela "Feics", (Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão). Especialização "Educacao infantil com ênfase em Educação Especial. AVEC Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande.

Cleonildo de Lima Campos, Universidade de Cuiabá

Bacharel em Direito pela UNIC ( Universidade de Cuiabá), licenciado em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Uninter, Pós Graduado em Educação Infantil e Psicopedagogia Pela Faculeste.

Juniana Patrícia Silva de Souza, Universidade de Várzea Grande

Licenciada em pedagogia pela UNIVAG ( Universidade de Várzea Grande).

Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Faria Garcia

 Licenciada em Pedagogia.

Rosecler de Carvalho Senra Santos, UFMT

Faculdade de licenciatura plena em pedagogia realizada na universidade federal UFMT. especialização em educação infantil realizada na UFMT especialização em psicopedagogia realizada na FAUC.

Silvaneide da Silva Vieira, Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande

Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela "Feics", (Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão). Especialização "Educacao infantil com ênfase em Educação Especial. AVEC Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande.



How to Cite

Souza, A. S. M. de ., Campos, C. de L. ., Souza, J. P. S. de ., Garcia, M. A. da S. F. ., Santos, R. de C. S. ., & Vieira, S. da S. . (2021). THE INCLUSION OF THE INTERNET IN PUBLIC EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(10), 2524–2534.