
  • Amauri Ferreira de Lima Veni Creator Christian University
  • Maria Emília Camargo Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Citizenship. Inclusion. Belonging. Environment – Indigenous people.


The concept of citizenship contains the idea of full participation in the life of society, which presupposes the inclusion of the individual in social life. The foundation of inclusion lies in the constitutional value of solidarity, which, in turn, is the element of union between the individuals who make up and form society. The exclusion of part of society from the social process, from social life, strengthens the emergence of a marginal and opposing counter-discourse, which leads to permanent and open conflict within society, compromising the stability of relationships and life in common. Original peoples have the collective right to exist in peace and security as distinct peoples and to be protected against genocide, as well as the individual rights to life, physical and mental integrity, freedom and security of the person. The dissemination of indigenous culture can raise awareness among the population of the importance of living sustainably and, thus, using conservation practices and transmitting the knowledge acquired by these people to future generations. Valuing indigenous culture is a duty of all countries in the world. Inclusion in society is a fundamental right of the individual, directly and immediately, existing in itself, but, in addition, it is a material prerequisite for the exercise and enjoyment of all other rights. Through inclusion, value and the idea of belonging are built, because only by feeling part of society can an individual assume their duties and exercise their rights. Preserving the environment is to save lives. Therefore, the environmental and human rights movements must walk together. It is essential to recognize the environment as a fundamental human right and support indigenous people, quilombolas, riverside dwellers and peasants, the true guardians of the forest, in their fight for rights and peace in the countryside.

Author Biographies

Amauri Ferreira de Lima, Veni Creator Christian University

Mestrando em Ciências Jurídicas Veni Creator Christian University. 

Maria Emília Camargo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. 



How to Cite

Lima, A. F. de, & Camargo, M. E. (2024). SOCIAL INCLUSION, PROTECTION AND HUMAN RIGHTS OF ORIGINAL PEOPLES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(4), 2037–2050.