
  • Hiram César Borges Gogia Instituição Faculdade Ibra de Brasília – FABRAS
  • Bruna Valente Feliciani Instituição Faculdade Ibra de Brasília – FABRAS
  • Alberto Freitas de Andrade Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Brasília - FABRAS
  • Natiele Pozzebon do Amaral Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Brasília - FABRAS
  • Graciela Rodrigues Trindade Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Tecnologia - FITEC
  • Acassio Valente Feliciani


Bidding. Sustainable development.


In contemporary times, the search for development that is economically viable, socially fair and environmentally sustainable has become a global imperative. In this context, legislation plays a fundamental role in guiding public practices and policies that aim to achieve these objectives. In Brazil, Law 8,666, known as the Bidding Law, represents an essential regulatory framework for the contracting of goods and services by the Public Administration. This digital book proposes an analysis of the intersection between Law 8,666 and sustainable development, highlighting the importance of sustainable bidding as an instrument to promote more responsible practices aligned with the principles of sustainability.
In the topic on Law 8,666/93, it establishes the general rules on bidding and administrative contracts within the scope of Brazilian Public Administration. Its main objective is to guarantee the selection of the most advantageous proposal for the Administration and equal conditions among competitors. However, over the years, the interpretation and application of this law have evolved, considering not only the economic aspect, but also the social and environmental aspect.
The book will then discuss the concept of sustainable development, popularized by the 1987 Brundtland Report, which aims to reconcile economic growth with environmental preservation and social justice, meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet to your own needs. Thus, sustainable development requires an integrated approach that considers not only the economic, but also the social and environmental aspects of human activities.
Next, the authors present their impressions about sustainable bidding, which appears as a tool to promote sustainable development through public procurement. This approach aims to incorporate environmental, social and economic criteria into tenders, encouraging the adoption of more sustainable practices throughout the entire supply chain. This can range from preferring products and services with a lower environmental impact to promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities.
As a conclusion, the book shows that Law 8,666 has great potential to contribute to sustainable development, as long as it is properly interpreted and applied. Sustainable bidding represents an opportunity for the Public Administration to encourage more responsible practices aligned with the principles of sustainability, generating benefits not only for the environment and society, but also for the efficiency and effectiveness of public procurement. Therefore, it is up to public managers and others involved in the bidding process to adopt a proactive approach and committed to promoting sustainable development in all its dimensions.

The authors

Author Biographies

Hiram César Borges Gogia, Instituição Faculdade Ibra de Brasília – FABRAS

Graduado em Direito. Pós-Graduação em INTELIGÊNCIA POLICIAL E PRISIONAL – Instituição Faculdade Ibra de Brasília – FABRAS.

Bruna Valente Feliciani, Instituição Faculdade Ibra de Brasília – FABRAS

Graduada em Administração. Pós-Graduação em INTELIGÊNCIA POLICIAL E PRISIONAL – Instituição Faculdade Ibra de Brasília – FABRAS.

Alberto Freitas de Andrade, Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Brasília - FABRAS

Graduado em Jornalismo. Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Segurança Pública – Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Brasília - FABRAS.

Natiele Pozzebon do Amaral, Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Brasília - FABRAS

Graduada em Educação Física. Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Segurança Pública – Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Brasília - FABRAS.


Graciela Rodrigues Trindade, Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Tecnologia - FITEC

Graduada em Gestão Ambiental. Pós-Graduação em Direitos Humanos e Perícia Criminal – Instituição Faculdade IBRA de Tecnologia - FITEC.

Acassio Valente Feliciani

Graduado em Tecnologia em irrigação e Drenagem. 



How to Cite

Gogia, H. C. B., Feliciani, B. V., Andrade, A. F. de, Amaral, N. P. do, Trindade, G. R., & Feliciani, A. V. (2024). APPLICABILITY OF LAW 8,666 AND ITS INTENTION WITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 12–73. Retrieved from



