
  • Olga Aparecida da Silva Martins UNINI / PORTO RICO
  • Maria Eliana Lopes de Souza UNINI /MÉXICO
  • Mathäus Natan Moura Duarte UNINI / MÉXICO
  • Marilene Rosa da Silva UNINI / MÉXICO



Hibridy teaching. Gamification. Engagement.


Hybrid teaching is certainly an exponential as an educational trend in contemporary times, aiming to bring new challenges and solutions in teaching, in the EAD modality. This combination of online and face-to-face learning, integrating into the student's day-to-day life, leads to a favorable and familiar environment to the study program. In this perspective, we have virtual environments (AVA) that are technological information devices (ICT), which aggregate various digital resources that have the intention and interest focused on learning, with the possibilities of game programs. These arose from the phenomenon of gamification or games applied to education, in a constructivist perspective as an educational strategy, allowing development and playful access within the educational framework, and motivating students. Developed from the theory of educational games, it should be considered that the rewards are related to productive satisfaction, not as a competitive award among students but to take into account cooperation, creativity, engagement, problem-solving, understanding and understanding with due respect to diversity, becoming a rewarding and challenging experience transformed into learning tools. The research aims to analyze the subject described above, through theoretical bibliographies, identifying and compiling data, through a systematic study, based on the elaboration of scientific knowledge of the authentic aspect. The current content of knowledge about meanings and concepts is considered dynamic - of the gamified environment - concerning hybrid teaching, continuously submitted to transformations, being a cyclical and progressive evolution.

Author Biographies

Olga Aparecida da Silva Martins, UNINI / PORTO RICO

Graduada em Pedagogia (UNISEPE), Pós- Graduada em Gestão Escolar Integradora, Coordenação Pedagógica e Planejamento, Psicopedagogia Clínica, Institucional e Ludopedagogia, Educação Infantil e Educação Inclusiva. Mestrando UNINI / PORTO RICO. Email: ID LATTES: 8702113776815079.

Maria Eliana Lopes de Souza, UNINI /MÉXICO

[1] Graduada em Pedagogia (UFPR), especialista em Pedagogia da empresa e organizações, Educação Especial e Inclusiva, Psicopedagogia, Neuropsicopedagogia e Altas Habilidades / Superdotação. Mestrando UNINI /MÉXICO. ID LATTES: 8784525994308488. Email:

Mathäus Natan Moura Duarte, UNINI / MÉXICO

Bacharel em Direito (UNIMB), especialista em  Direito Público (UNIMB), Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior (UNIMB),Direito Constitucional e Administrativo (UNMB). Mestrando UNINI / MÉXICO. ID LATTES: 0783047965953787. Email:

Marilene Rosa da Silva, UNINI / MÉXICO

Graduada em Pedagogia (URCA) especialista em Psicopedagogia Clínica Institucional, (UNIP) Docência em escola de tempo integral e integrada, metodologia no ensino de tempo integral e integrada (UFG), Pós no ensino de História (Faculdade Metropolitana), Educação Especial e Inclusiva (FAVENI). Graduada em História, pós- graduação em Educação Infantil, (FCE). Mestrando UNINI / MÉXICO. Email:



How to Cite

Martins, O. A. da S. ., Souza, M. E. L. de ., Duarte, M. N. M. ., & Silva, M. R. da . (2021). CHALLENGES OF HYBRID TEACHING AS PROTAGONIST: A GAMMED ENVIRONMENT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(5), 309–317.