
  • Crislaine Pereira Lima Fundação Educacional de Andradina
  • Karem Cristine Pirola Narimatsu Fundação Educacional de Andradina
  • Camila Regina Silva Baleroni Recco Fundação Educacional de Andradina
  • Rafael Luís dos Santos Silva Fundação Educacional de Andradina
  • Clara de Araújo Sanchez Fundação Educacional de Andradina



Rural development. Diversification. Income Generation.


The Microregion of Andradina, where the agrarian issue is present, is strongly marked by the presence of rural settlements. The objective of this work was to present a socioeconomic study carried out in the Dois Irmãos Settlement, located in the municipality of Murutinga do Sul, São Paulo State, analyzing the reality experienced by the settled families, reporting the different ways of obtaining income and the opportunities and challenges to be overcome after the access to land. Conducting the interviews and applying the questionnaire made it possible to survey the characteristics of the settled families. The interviewees demonstrated a connection with the land and production in family farming. Most plot holders are male, married, two members residing on the property, advanced age, low level of education. There were reports that a member of the family works outside the lot to supplement the income, which are insufficient. The lots were acquired by staying in the encampment, with cases of exchange with properties in the city occurring. Families are assisted by COAPAR (Cooperative of Agricultural Production of Settlers and Small Producers), which encourages milk production, the main economic activity of the settlement, to maintain the diversification of its lots and production of horticultural products, sold by the cooperative, for the institutional market. through the PAA (Food Acquisition Program). Most of the settlers claimed that they had already benefited from PRONAF (National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture) for investment in dairy farming, especially in the acquisition of matrices. Few interviewees hire self-employed professionals to provide services, seeking maximum use of family labor. The potential of fruit growing in the settlement, mainly guava and pineapple, stand out as a good option for family farmers, but there is a lack of guidance, technical assistance and encouragement from public bodies. Among vegetables, sweet potatoes and cassava contribute to the increase in family income. All lots have a semi artesian well to capture water to supply the family, livestock and crops, adequate infrastructure for housing, in addition to improvements such as a corral, agricultural machinery and implements and a pigsty. Despite the dairy activity being the main source of income, family farmers have a low level of technology. The main difficulties faced by the settlers are the lack of technical assistance, the rising prices of agricultural inputs and the difficulty of transporting production.

Author Biographies

Crislaine Pereira Lima, Fundação Educacional de Andradina

Graduação em Agronomia pela Fundação Educacional de Andradina (SP). 

Karem Cristine Pirola Narimatsu, Fundação Educacional de Andradina

Graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado em Agronomia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Campus de Ilha Solteira (SP); Docente do Curso Técnico em Agropecuária Integrado ao Ensino Médio e do Curso Técnico em Agronegócio do Centro Paula Souza - Etec Sebastiana Augusta de Moraes de Andradina (SP); Docente do Curso de Agronomia da Fundação Educacional de Andradina (SP). 

Camila Regina Silva Baleroni Recco, Fundação Educacional de Andradina

Graduação em Agronomia pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá; Mestrado pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Campus de Ilha Solteira (SP); Doutorado pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Campus de Botucatu (SP); Coordenadora do Curso Técnico em Agropecuária Integrado ao Ensino Médio do Centro Paula Souza - Etec Sebastiana Augusta de Moraes de Andradina (SP); Coordenadora do Curso de Agronomia da Fundação Educacional de Andradina (SP). 

Rafael Luís dos Santos Silva, Fundação Educacional de Andradina

Graduação em Agronomia Fundação Educacional de Andradina - Faculdades Integradas Stella Maris de Andradina (SP); Docente do Curso Técnico em Agronegócio do Centro Paula Souza - Etec Sebastiana Augusta de Moraes de Andradina (SP). 

Clara de Araújo Sanchez, Fundação Educacional de Andradina

Graduação em Medicina Veterinária pela Fundação Educacional de Andradina (SP); Mestrado em Sanidade Animal pela Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Tecnológicas FCAT/UNESP Campus de Dracena; Docente do Curso Técnico em Agronegócio do Centro Paula Souza - Etec Sebastiana Augusta de Moraes de Andradina (SP). 



How to Cite

Lima, C. P., Narimatsu, K. C. P., Recco, C. R. S. B., Silva, R. L. dos S., & Sanchez, C. de A. (2023). SOCIOECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF FAMILY FARMING IN THE DOIS IRMÃOS SETTLEMENT IN MURUTINGA DO SUL (SP). Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(5), 3409–3427.