
  • Maria José da Silva Costa Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana- UNINI
  • Elisangela Giroto Carelli Hermes Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana- UNINI



Post-pandemic. School management. Education. Challenges.


This article focuses on school management in the face of our educational reality and the challenges posed by the post-pandemic. With particular reference to research by Schon(22), Alarcao(23), Luck(19), and with the aim of reflecting and analyzing the current realities of school management and classroom management, we propose alternatives to consider in this new context. socio-educational. context... To do so, we contextualize the importance of democratic and participatory management and address the new challenges of school management, as well as classroom management considering the post-pandemic educational consequences. These challenges are related to financial and administrative difficulties and opportunities to improve teaching and people management through technological inclusion and the development of learning communities, in which empathy between school and family permeates.

Author Biographies

Maria José da Silva Costa, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana- UNINI

Formada em História pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (2005). Trabalha na Secretaria de Educação da cidade de Recife, como Gerente Geral do Departamento de Gestão de Pessoas da Unidade e professora do Ensino Fundamental.

Elisangela Giroto Carelli Hermes, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana- UNINI

Diretora de Tese - Doutorado em Educação, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI). Pós-Doc em Estudos de Linguagem e Linguística Aplicada - UEMS (2021). Docente da Escola de Governo de MS. Supervisora de Tutoria EAD - UFRGS//Ministério Saúde/CONASEMS (2022-2023).




How to Cite

Costa, M. J. da S., & Hermes, E. G. C. (2023). SCHOOL MANAGEMENT IN POST-PANDEMIC TIMES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(5), 3885–3898.