
  • Rodrigo Mercedes do Espírito Santo UNIVESP
  • Andryelle Vanessa Camilo Pomin Unicesumar




Human Dignity; Internet; New Rights.


The objective of this research was to identify the need to elevate internet access to a fundamental right. For this, the bibliographic method was chosen, which allowed us to demonstrate that, according to the International Telecommunication Union (2019), un agency, 49% of the world's population does not yet have access to the Internet, in addition to the risk of violation of rights such as privacy for those who have a connection. From a legal point of view, definitions of fundamental rights and their respective generations and constitutional provisions on the subject were presented. An exercise has also been done to verify that internet access is a fundamental right. In addition, research has shown that internet access can be seen as a fundamental guarantee, that is, as a means of exercising other rights. Thus, it was concluded that internet access should be classified as a fundamental right, with the aim of generating state initiatives that increase access to the network while protecting the rights of those who access it.



Author Biographies

Rodrigo Mercedes do Espírito Santo, UNIVESP

Graduado em Gestão Pública pela UniCESUMAR - Centro de Ensino Superior de Maringá, Graduando em Ciência de Dados pela UNIVESP - Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo. Servidor do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo.


Andryelle Vanessa Camilo Pomin , Unicesumar

Mestre em Ciências Jurídicas. Professora do curso de graduação em Direito e de pós-graduação lato sensu da Unicesumar. Pesquisadora do CNPQ em Grupos vulneráveis e Novos Direitos. Advogada. Endereço eletrônico: andryellecamilo@gmail.com.




How to Cite

Santo, R. M. do E. ., & Pomin , A. V. C. . (2021). O ACESSO À INTERNET COMO UM DIREITO FUNDAMENTAL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(4), 399–416. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i4.975