
  • Bruno de Castro Lino SUSEPE – RS
  • Tiago dos Santos Arão SUSEPE – RS
  • Roger Rodrigues Islabão SUSEPE – RS
  • José Henrique Gottschalk Pereira SUSEPE – RS
  • Diego Canabarro Pires SUSEPE – RS
  • Kauê Sprenger da Silva SUSEPE – RS


Private Management. Public Management. Criminal Police.


Dear Readers,

It is with immense pleasure that I address this illustrious audience to present the digital book entitled "The private sector with the advent of the Criminal Police in the public penitentiary sector in RS - problems and possibilities".
This work of unparalleled legal relevance dives in depth and meticulously into the intricate universe of relations between the public and private sectors in the specific context of the Brazilian penitentiary system, in the orb of Rio Grande do Sul, focusing primarily on Constitutional Amendment No. 104 of 2019 and its weight implications.
The aforementioned amendment, in its wisdom, brought with it significant difficulties for the insertion of the private sector in the scope of penitentiary services, making use of mechanisms such as outsourcing and concessions, whose scope would be primarily the strengthening and improvement of the institution known as the Criminal Police, now duly incorporated into the sacred Federal Constitution.
In this treatise, we skillfully delve into the intricate webs of dynamics between private and public management in the penitentiary field, providing a complete and enlightening overview of the divergences and challenges encountered in the implementation of private administration structures in this sensitive and crucial scenario for Brazilian society. .
Through meticulous research and legal analysis, this work highlights the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with private sector involvement in prison matters, taking into account the inherent elements of security, human rights and due process of law, in order to promote a qualified and reasoned debate on the matter.
By going through the pages of this book, readers will be led through an intellectual journey that discusses the nature of private and public management, with special focus on the Criminal Police, whose constitutional institution represented a paradigmatic milestone in the prison system in Brazil.
In short, the work "The private sector with the advent of the Criminal Police in the public penitentiary sector in RS - problems and possibilities" aims not only to inform, but also to provoke deep and grounded reflections, in order to contribute to the understanding and improvement of the national penitentiary system.
In the pages that follow, a detailed and rigorous study is unveiled, built with mastery and deep knowledge of the intricate intricacies of the legal area, allowing a clear and grounded view of the challenges that permeate the insertion of the private sector in the Brazilian penitentiary scenario.
I thank you for your attention and for the honor of sharing with you the relevant work,

The authors,

Author Biographies

Bruno de Castro Lino, SUSEPE – RS

Mestre em Comunicação Social pela UFSM-RS. Especialista em Direitos Humanos. Policial Penal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul- SUSEPE – RS.

Tiago dos Santos Arão, SUSEPE – RS

Especialista em Inteligência Penitenciária. Policial Penal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul- SUSEPE – RS. Universidade Federal de Pelotas – RS (UFPel).

Roger Rodrigues Islabão, SUSEPE – RS

Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL. Policial Penal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul- SUSEPE – RS.

José Henrique Gottschalk Pereira, SUSEPE – RS

 Especialista em Gestão Prisional pela PUC-RS. Policial Penal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul- SUSEPE – RS.

Diego Canabarro Pires, SUSEPE – RS

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Policial Penal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul- SUSEPE – RS

Kauê Sprenger da Silva, SUSEPE – RS

Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA, São Jerônimo-RS. Policial Penal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul SUSEPE – RS.



How to Cite

Lino, B. de C., Arão, T. dos S., Islabão, R. R., Pereira, J. H. G., Pires, D. C., & Silva, K. S. da. (2023). THE PRIVATE SECTOR WITH THE ADVENT OF THE CRIMINAL POLICE IN THE PENITENTIARY PUBLIC SECTOR IN RS - PROBLEMS AND POSSIBILITIES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 20–98. Retrieved from



