
  • Wislen Paiva de Vasconcelos Faculdade Uninta
  • André Sousa Rocha Faculdade Uninta
  • Mauro Michel El Khouri Faculdade Uninta
  • Antônia Juliana Mesquita Ferreira Faculdade Uninta



Music therapy. Oncology. Hospital.


The theme investigated emphasizes the therapeutic aspects of music as well as the therapeutic effects offered to promote the well-being and pain management of patients undergoing cancer treatment for children and adolescents. The objective was to analyze the therapeutic effects of music therapy in a hospital environment of child and youth oncology. This is a bibliographic study, of the integrative literature review type. For its execution, four operational steps described in the literature were defined. The following guiding question was elaborated: What are the therapeutic effects of music therapy in the treatment of child and adolescent oncology in a hospital environment? The search was carried out in September, October and November 2022, from the libraries and databases: Virtual Health Library - (BVS), Brazilian Journal of Health Review - BJHR, Brazilian Union of Music Therapy Associations - UBAM - , Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy (BRjmt) Revista Brasileira de Musicoterapia, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia (PEPSIC) and United State National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE) via VHL. The descriptors registered in Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) and in the National Library of Medicine (NIH) of Medical Subject Headgins (MESH) via PubMed were used: Music therapy; Oncology; Hospital; Music Therapy; Oncology; hospital. To join them, the Boolean operator “and” was used. There are, then, two articles selected and tabulated, in the period from 2014 to 2020, in different journals, which demonstrate some characteristics concerning the investigations. The results point to a consensus that music therapy can be part of pediatric oncology care in hospitals as an alternative and auxiliary therapy for pain management. Therefore, it is a fact that there is a shortage of music therapists, requiring more courses and specializations in the area, in order to finally be seen as a viable alternative, so that it is made available within public policies and the equipment available by the State.

Author Biographies

Wislen Paiva de Vasconcelos, Faculdade Uninta

Discente de Psicologia da Faculdade Uninta – Itapipoca.

André Sousa Rocha, Faculdade Uninta

Mestre em Psicologia. Docente do curso de Psicologia da Faculdade Uninta – Itapipoca. 

Mauro Michel El Khouri, Faculdade Uninta

Doutor em Psicologia. Docente do curso de Psicologia da Faculdade Uninta – Itapipoca. 



Antônia Juliana Mesquita Ferreira, Faculdade Uninta

Mestra em Administração. Docente do curso de Psicologia da Faculdade Uninta – Itapipoca.



How to Cite

Vasconcelos, W. P. de ., Rocha, A. S. ., Khouri, M. M. E. ., & Ferreira, A. J. M. . (2023). THE EFFECTS OF MUSIC THERAPY IN CHILDHOOD ONCE TREATMENT IN A HOSPITAL ENVIRONMENT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(3), 1186–1202.