
  • Dayene Albuquerque Andrade Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau
  • João Paulo Da Silva Pereira Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau
  • Allyne Evellyn Freitas Gomes Mendes UFPE



Performance. Gender. Psychoanalysis.


Introduction: Gender performance as a crossing of culture in the subject, being the performance of the feminine discriminated by the rules of social conduct, compulsory heteronormativity as a fissure in the subjectivation process of the gay man. Objective: to analyze the manifestations of oppression of female performance in contemporary gay. Justification: To perform the feminine today is to put oneself in the place of inferiority due to the place that women and homosexuality have in the hegemonic society, and this non-place entails a series of intrapsychic and extrapsychic conflicts in the process of subjectivation of the gay man. Methods: A narrative review was used, and intersectionality through which we seek to approach answers to the questions raised, in a critical and punctual way, of articles located on the main research platforms, dissertations and theses of the BDTD, in addition to updated books or of classic and reference authors in the area. Highlighting the authors Sigmund Freud; Judith Butler; Jonas Medeiros; Guilherme Libardi, Nilda Jacks, Michel Foucault, Simone de Beauvoir and Pierre de Bourdieu. Result: The internalization of heteronormative behaviors are instilled in the symbolic register of grouping internal laws of the gay man and directly reflect on the non-acceptance of his performance. Conclusion: The oppression of female performance in gay men is directly linked to this social desire that men cannot demonstrate fragility, or human characteristics associated with women and the feminine.

Author Biographies

Dayene Albuquerque Andrade, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau

Graduando em Psicologia do Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau.

João Paulo Da Silva Pereira, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau

Graduando em Psicologia do Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau.

Allyne Evellyn Freitas Gomes Mendes, UFPE

Mestre em psicologia na UFPE; psicanalista.



How to Cite

Andrade, D. A. ., Pereira, J. P. D. S. ., & Mendes, A. E. F. G. . (2023). THE OPPRESSION OF FEMALE PERFORMANCE IN CONTEMPORARY GAY MAN. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(2), 1179–1192.