
  • Luciana Leão da Fonseca Lourenço
  • Filipe Capeletti
  • Suelen Moreira
  • Amanda Fonseca de Albuquerque
  • Andria Klug Lemões
  • Laerte de Azevedo Gasque


Public administration. Training. Professional qualification. Public security.


The prison agent is a member of public security in the Brazilian orb whose main responsibility is to care for the internal security of prison units. Faced with the complexity of this work and the responsibility it involves, prison agents are facing an identity crisis, as there is great inequality between the tasks required of them and the working conditions offered. This crisis is aggravated by the precariousness of professional training and qualification of Brazilian public security employees, who are not prepared for the performance of their tasks, making it difficult to fulfill their mission. In this presentation, we intend to discuss the identity crisis that prison agents have been facing, as well as ways to overcome the existing inequalities in the professional training of Brazilian public security servants. To this end, the main characteristics of the professional training of public security servers will be analyzed, as well as the public policies that seek to promote the qualification of these servers. In addition, possible solutions to the problem will be addressed, such as increasing the training and professional training of public security employees, as well as the implementation of measures to improve the working conditions of prison agents.
One of the premises for improving working conditions is centered on the professional training of public security employees, as a process that aims to improve the skills, knowledge and competences of agents who work in public security.
These civil servants, in the performance of their duties, are trained through initial and continuing training courses, professional qualification, technical training and education for public safety, among others.
The aim of these training processes is to enable employees to act effectively and responsibly in their activities. In addition, the professional training of public security employees also aims to improve the quality of services offered by public security, improve the management of human and technological resources and improve public security control mechanisms.
As a preambular condition, I invite the noble reader to scrutinize this book in order to promote discussions on a contemporary theme and with implications for the daily life of the Brazilian population.

The authors,

Author Biographies

Luciana Leão da Fonseca Lourenço

Pós-graduação: Análise Criminal/ Políticas Públicas/ Gestão do Sistema Prisional / Gestão Pública/ Segurança Pública. Licenciatura em Letras/ Português e respectivas Licenciaturas.


Filipe Capeletti

Pós-graduação em Direito Penal. Pós-graduação em Administração de Pessoas. Pós-graduação em Gestão do Sistema Prisional. Bacharel em Direito


Suelen Moreira

Graduação em Educação Física.


Amanda Fonseca de Albuquerque

Graduação Direito


Andria Klug Lemões

Pós-graduação em UTI, Urgência e emergência. Graduação em Enfermagem


Laerte de Azevedo Gasque

Pós-graduação em Sociedade e Política do Rio Grande do Sul. Pós-graduação em Contabilidade, Perícia e Auditoria. Pós-graduação em Segurança Pública e Inteligência. Graduação em Ciências Econômicas.




How to Cite

Lourenço, L. L. da F. ., Capeletti, F. ., Moreira, S. ., Albuquerque, A. F. de ., Lemões, A. K. ., & Gasque, L. de A. . (2023). THE PRISON AGENTS AND HIS IDENTITY CRISIS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF PUBLIC SECURITY SERVANTS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 21–50. Retrieved from



