
  • Décio Sudati Vieira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM
  • Danton Soares Flores Universidade da Região da Campanha - URCAMP
  • Gregory Chagas Domingues Universidade Norte do Paraná – Uruguaiana
  • Heider Silva Campodônico Universidade Norte do Paraná-Uruguaiana
  • Luis Eduardo Machado Moraes Universidade da Região da Campanha- URCAMP
  • Tiago Correa Vargas Universidade Luterana do Brasil -ULBRA


Chain. Fundamental rights. Social reinsertion.


This book aims to discuss an important and current topic in Brazil: prison chaos.
The Brazilian prison world faces a deep crisis, with overcrowding of prisons, lack of adequate infrastructure, corruption and violence. According to the National Council of Justice, in 2019, the Brazilian prison system had the capacity to house around 700,000 people, but was housing more than 800,000 prisoners.
The consequences of this situation are serious and affect not only prisoners, but also society as a whole. Prison overcrowding leads to a lack of privacy and poor hygienic conditions, increasing the risk of disease and infection. In addition, the lack of control and security in prisons results in constant riots and escapes. Adding great risk to the physical integrity of prisoners and prison staff.
The prison crisis in Brazil is a consequence of the failures of the State in the social sphere. The State has not adequately invested in the area of justice and security, resulting in an insufficient and inefficient prison system. In addition, the lack of effective public policies for the social reintegration of prisoners also contributes to prison chaos.
Prison chaos cannot be solved without the active participation of the State. It is necessary to invest in adequate infrastructure, in prisoner rehabilitation and resocialization programs and in effective public policies to prevent crime. In addition, it is essential that measures are taken to ensure the safety and physical integrity of prisoners and prison staff.
In short, prison chaos in Brazil is a consequence of the failures of the State in the social sphere. Urgent measures must be taken to resolve this crisis, ensuring the safety and dignity of prisoners, and to promote the social reintegration of convicts.
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Author Biographies

Décio Sudati Vieira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM

Licenciatura Plena em Educação Física - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM

Danton Soares Flores, Universidade da Região da Campanha - URCAMP

Curso: Direito pela Universidade da Região da Campanha - URCAMP (São Gabriel)

Gregory Chagas Domingues, Universidade Norte do Paraná – Uruguaiana

Tecnólogo em Logística. Universidade Norte do Paraná – Uruguaiana

Heider Silva Campodônico, Universidade Norte do Paraná-Uruguaiana

Licenciatura em Matemática. Universidade Norte do Paraná-Uruguaiana

Luis Eduardo Machado Moraes, Universidade da Região da Campanha- URCAMP

Licenciatura em educação Física- Universidade da Região da Campanha- URCAMP (Alegrete)

Tiago Correa Vargas, Universidade Luterana do Brasil -ULBRA

Licenciatura em educação física. Universidade Luterana do Brasil -ULBRA, cachoeira do sul.



How to Cite

Vieira, D. S. ., Flores, D. S. ., Domingues, G. C. ., Campodônico, H. S. ., Moraes, L. E. M. ., & Vargas, T. C. . (2023). PRISONAL CHAOS AS CONSEQUENCES OF STATE FAILURES IN THE SOCIAL SCOPE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 13–57. Retrieved from



